Horace J. Knowles: Beyond Fairyland

200. Book Of Original Drawings Of Costumes For The Morality Play Everyman 1914 . Unpublished book of costume designs. Folio. Black art paper, hand stitched along one side, with past- ed on title label lettered in white crayon. Sixteen original designs in colour, on brown art paper pasted onto each leaf, each signed and dat- ed by Knowles in ink. Titles for each piece in white. Artwork is in pastel crayon. A fine copy of an ephemeral item. [33028] The anonymous, fifteenth centu- ry English morality play Everyman was first published in 1508. It relates through allegory the tale of a dying Everyman and the items and quali- ties he most values, which attend to him in his death. 201. Tobias And The Angel . 1946. Two original pencil drawings on paper of Alfie Bass playing Tobi- as. Each c. 20cm x 10cm. Each signed and dated by Knowles. Both in very good condition, with a little spotting to one sheet. [40308] Alfie Bass (1916-1987) played Tobias in an adaptation of James Bridie’s play based on the classical tale, To- bias And The Angel.


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