Horace J. Knowles: Beyond Fairyland

202. “He’s Sharpening The Fiddle” “May 1912”. An original pen and ink drawing on board by Horace Know- les. 15cm x 9.5cm. Signed and dated twice by Knowles, and titled on the rear. A fine drawing, clean and un- marked. [40302] A rare, pre-WW1 example of a Knowles illustration, this being a resonant portrait of his late father completed in 1912. Know- les’s father was a gifted musician, who taught the violin and who “at one particular concert was present- ed to the Emperor Napoleon III”. 203. Seven Studies From The Life Of Beethoven 1915. Seven original pen and ink drawings on seven sheets. Each titled and signed by Knowles. In very good condition. [40458]


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