Horace J. Knowles: Beyond Fairyland

217. Preparatory Drawing Of A Farmyard c. 1920. Original pencil, pen and ink drawing on paper. 8cm x 24cm. [40551] 218. Folder Of Nature Sketches 1919-21. A paper folder containing twenty nature sketches, varying from small sketches to full sheets in size. In very good condition. [40534] 219. “A Reply” 1925. Original pen and ink drawing on paper of a farmer on horseback. 31cm x 18cm. Signed and titled by Knowles. [40553] 220. “The Common: Autumn” 1925. Original pen and ink drawing on paper. 29cm x 16.5cm. Signed and titled by Knowles. In very good con- dition. [40554] 221. “The Country Has Entered The Room” 1926. Original pen and ink draw- ing paper. 15cm x 13cm. Titled and signed by Knowles. In very good condition. [40496] A wonderful nature image, pro- duced for a piece of hotel literature. 222. A Sheet Of Cat Drawings 1926. Original pen and ink drawings on paper. 30cm x 22cm.. [40499]

223. Ten Illustrations Of The Months Of The Year c. 1930. Ten original pen and ink drawing on five sheets. Each c. 6cm x 30cm. In very good condition. [40532] The sheet for July and August is ab- sent. 224. “Autumn Woods” c. 1930. Original pen and ink draw- ing on paper. 22cm x 14cm. Signed by Knowles. [40539] 225. A Sequence Of Six Nature Drawings c. 1930. Six pen and ink drawings. Each c. 18cm x 15cm. Signed by Knowles. [40548] An attractive suite of drawings, evi- dently drawn as a single project. 226. Winter Trees c. 1930. Original pencil sketch on pa- per. 20cm x 12cm. [40558] 227. “Never Omit To Explore A Footpath” c. 1930. Original pen and pencil sketch on paper. Unfinished. 16cm x 11cm. [40559] 228. Dark Woodland c. 1930. Original pencil drawing on paper. 21cm x 16cm. Signed by Knowles. [40560]

229. Tree Under A Star c. 1930. Original pen and ink draw- ing on paper. 25cm x 16cm. Signed by Knowles.. [40561] 230. Preparatory Drawing Of A Carthorse c. 1930. Original pen, pencil and ink drawing on paper. Unfinished. 24cm x 18cm. [40562] 231. Drawing Of A Cuckoo c. 1930. Original pen and ink draw- ing. 8.5cm x 8.5cm. Titled by Know- les. [40341] 232. Drawing Of A Skylark c. 1930. Original pen and ink draw- ing. 11.5cm x 8cm. Titled by Knowles. [40342] 233. Coloured Sketch Of A Wood- land “3 October 1931”. Pencil sketch in colour. 21cm x 23cm. In very good condition. [40535] 234. “The Grove: Middleton-In-Tees- dale” “16 May 1950”. Original pencil draw- ing on paper. 20cm x 18cm. Titled by Knowles. In very good condition. [40556]


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