


“Innovation in the Canadian agricultural sector has helped make our country a leader in producing safe, high-quality products,” said Drouin. “I am pleased to be here today to highlight these investments that will enhance the sustainability of the field crops’ sector, while delivering economic benefits and creating good job opportunities in Ontario and all of Canada.” &BSMJFSUIJTNPOUI UIFNJOJTUFSBOOPVODFE a $5.4 million federal investment under the AgriScience program to the Canadian Field Crop Research Alliance (CFCRA). Along with the federal money, the private sector will invest a further $3 million. Drouin reaffirmed that federal funding and also announced a $4.1 million federal investment over a

Soybean and corn are two important cash crops for Prescott-Russell far- mers. The federal government will invest almost $10 million to support research which will help farmers make more money by growing better crops. MP Francis Drouin braved a snow storm January 24 to visit the Chicken Little Farm near St-Isidore, to meet with officials re- presenting grain farmers in Ontario and Qué- bec and to announce, on behalf of Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Lawrence MacAulay, confirmation of two federal investment efforts in support of grain genetics research.


Les fortes chutes de neige de mercredi dernier n’ont pas empêché le député fédéral Francis Drouin (à gauche) de se rendre à la ferme Chicken Little près de Saint- Isidore. Il a annoncé un investissement fédéral de 10 M$ dans la recherche sur les semences de céréales, qui profitera aux agriculteurs de Prescott-Russell et du reste du Canada en faisant plus d’argent à l’avenir, en récoltant davantage de soya, de maïs et d’avoine. Guy Sabourin, de l’Association des producteurs de céréales du Québec (APCQ), Markus Haerle, propriétaire de Chicken Little Farm et président de Grain Farmers of Ontario, Salah Zoghlami de l’APCQ et directeur d’entreprise agricole ainsi que Jeff Reid de SECAN étaient présents à cet événement. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

five-year period to the CFCRA for research involving oat and corn. “It does give us more opportunities for research,” said Markus Haerle, chairman of the Grain Farmers of Ontario. He is also the owner/operator of Chicken Little Farm, one of many farms in the Prescott-Russell region which have soybean and corn cash crops. Local benefit The money provided to the CFCRA will support studies on soybean, oat, and corn, to help to develop varieties of these grains which are more resistant to disease and pests, more adaptable to changes in cli- mate and growing conditions, and which will

produce higher yields of grain for harvesting. The goal is to provide farmers in future with improved seed varieties of these grains, so they can reap bigger and better harvests and so make more money, and also to expand the potential farming range for these cash crops, both in Canada and in other countries which may buy Canadian grain seeds to help their own agriculture sectors. “There is a large need for grain and oil TFFETJOUIFXPSME uTBJE)BFSMFi8FOFFE to have innovative and progressive research that keeps us on a level playing field. It all comes down to business decisions and being the most efficient in your daily work.” featured four candidates. But, Collard added, the improved electronic voting system used for the October 2018 election also ensured that anyone with access to either a computer or a telephone would be able to vote for the candidate of their choice. “By adopting this technology,” Collard stated in her written report, “the Township of Champlain has been able to virtually eliminate any barriers to voting by persons with disabilities and, in fact, affords such persons the exact same access to their right to vote as any able-bodied voter.” A Help Centre for voters was also set up at the municipal office for anyone who lacked a home Internet connection.

J’AIMERAIS REMERCIER TOUS CEUX ET CELLES QUI ONT PARTICIPÉ À L’OUVERTURE OFFICIELLE DE NOTRE NOUVELLE ADRESSE, 185, RUE MAIN EST, HAWKESBURY (CÔTÉ DU PIZZA PIZZA) 613-632-3645 De gauche à droite : Suzanne Hocquard (BIA), Larry Bogue (conseiller), Corey Assaly (BIA), Paula Assaly (mairesse), Ghislaine Berry (gérante), Johanne Larocque (ass. gérante), Francine Cousineau (vendeuse) et Johanne Michaud (vendeuse)

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

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Last October’s municipal election saw a record voter turnout for Champlain Township and the new electronic voting system gets a large part of the credit. “It’s worked well for us,” said Alison Col- lard, township clerk, during a post-election summary report presentation to township council January 15. Collard noted that 2018 was “an excep- tional year” with a record 62.8 per cent voter turnout. Greater voter interest was sparked by a large number of candidates for almost every ward, along with a mayoral race that

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