The 18-Hole Women’s Golf Organization is in full swing but not it’s not too late to join! Our season opened 1 April with twice-weekly play days (Tuesdays at ARL and Fridays at FFX). The WGO-18 group offers the opportunity for clinics, fun and serious play days and tournaments. Detailed schedule and sign-up instructions are posted on the WGO-18 webpage here. Our first tournament of the season, the always popular Spring Fling, will be on Friday, 21 April at Fairfax. This as a fun, step-aside scramble tournament, followed by an optional luncheon. To sign up, go to the ANCC calendar for 21 April. We look forward to seeing you! To join, please contact Membership Chair Ruth Daly at WGO-18 WOMEN’S 18 HOLE GOLF ORGANIZATION The CWGO is excited to have officially kicked off the 2023 season! We had amazing turnout for our Rules Clinic on 4 March and for our Spring Kickoff 9-hole tournament and luncheon on 25 March. We are all looking forward to warmer days ahead and a wonderful spring, summer and fall of great golf with friends. Our regular weekday play begins on 5 April (Wednesday evenings in ARL and Thursday evenings in FFX) and our next tournament is our Memorial Stableford on 22 April in Fairfax. Information about these events can be found on the CWGO page of the ANCC website here and Members can sign up via the Club Calendar. If you are a working woman and enjoy playing golf, please come join us. CWGO is a great way to meet other women and improve your golf game all while having fun. For more information, please contact Sarah Burkwit at
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