PEG Magazine - Spring 2016


» formalizing the mobility of discipline orders » improving capacity to practise » strengthening the Registrar's authority to initiate investigations, terminate complaints, and suspend or place conditions on registrations Council will review all input received in the fall consultations and will decide which recommendations it will endorse. We’ll report the results of Council’s review in mid-February, through the e-PEG, the new APEGA website, and the legislative review website.

to review, but we made significant headway in 2015. So far, we have dealt with 112 of the recommendations. We’re committed to keeping Members informed about proposed changes to the Act. Over the past year, we’ve kept you up-to-date by posting in-depth details in The PEG , emailing you newsletters, and post- ing information on our legislative review website. 2015 TOPICS RECAP • Six topics were reviewed last spring relating to the Members-in-Training, Licensee, Professional Licensee, and Student membership categories, as well as issues surrounding implied authority versus explicit authority to delegate, and Alberta Building Code exemptions. In October, APEGA Council endorsed

• allowing practice reviewers to recommend improvements to professional practice standards

• enabling practice review panels to make orders to comply with practice standards Sessions are scheduled for around the time you should be receiving this hardcopy version of The PEG — February 16 and 17 in Calgary and February 22 and 24 in Ed- monton. You can also watch for meetings scheduled for Branch Members in their communities and for Permit Holders. Mem- bers can claim free, one-hour consultation sessions for CPD credit. If you can’t attend a face-to-face con- sultation, a series of short educational vid- eos on the proposed changes are available on the legislative review website. We’ll also be holding teleconferences — watch your inbox for details in the e-PEG — and will gather Member and Permit Holder feedback through a survey, also on the legislative review website. The survey is open from February 9 to March 9. Through the year, we’ll also continue to work closely with other stakeholders, including the Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET) and the GOA. The province has encouraged APEGA to update the EGP Act and we meet with provincial representa- tives weekly to discuss the concepts we’re bringing forward and to keep them informed of our progress.


Insight provided by Members and Permit Holders is a valuable part of the legislative review process, and we’re continuing the conversation in 2016. Throughout February and March we’re finishing discussions on some of the recommended changes to the EGP Act , and later in the fall we’ll start consultations on proposed recommendations, most of them related to general regulations. Our third round of consultations, now in progress, focuses on improving professional practice. Proposed recommendations relate to: • clarifying the authority of the Practice Review Board • developing practice standards, guidelines, and bulletins

all six proposed recommendations, after making a few clarifications in

response to Member and Permit Holder feedback. Full details are available at • Another 15 proposed recommendations were examined last fall, with discussions centred on proposed improvements to regulatory efficiencies. They included: » modernizing the investigative process » revising the maximum amounts of fines and penalties

» improving the enforcement and recovery of fines and penalties » publishing names and orders


There are three phases to the legislative review. The first phase, now underway, is a review of the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act . This phase is continuing in 2016. We’ll start reviewing the Act’s general regulations later this year, and we’ll start looking at the bylaws in 2018. Proposed changes in general regulations will be brought forward at the AGM in 2017, and bylaws will follow two years later at the 2019 AGM Proposed recommendations that have been endorsed by APEGA Council will be sent to the Government of Alberta, on an ongoing basis, for its consideration.

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