Executive Program: GRCS Remap and Reshape GRC Implementation

Executive Program

Short Bio LPP Risiko Manajemen Gagasan (RMG)

was established in 2011 and later to increase commitment as a credible professional development institution and always comply with the provisions of the regulator, LPP RMG acts as organizer


of the RMG programs. The part of RMG has also undergone refinement, namely increasing focus on services in compliance implementation, governance, and risk management, including auditing and information technology. RMG has grown into a pro-active institution and bridges the socialization and implementation of work programs by regulators and internal companies, both at the strategic and implementation technical levels. Consultancy services, software/applications, workshops and in-house training are a complete combination that are prepared and delivered in an excellent manner to the management of each entity. After the pandemic exam and entering the third period for five years, the keyword “proven performance with integrity” is a form of pride and existence that has been proven, especially in the deliverables of each program and form of cooperation that is held. RMG also adheres to and prioritizes the principle of prudence so that deliverables are believed to be the best solution in managing governance, risk, compliance and their derivatives. RMG has been supported by more than 200 (two hundred) professional experts and practitioners, both active and senior consultants. This solid support is based on the principles of sound business ethics and based on a sense of shared ownership of the services provided so that service quality is placed at the highest level for customer satisfaction.


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