Executive Program: GRCS Remap and Reshape GRC Implementation

Executive Program


As a member of LSP GRK Indonesia, RMG is fully committed to supporting organizations in Indonesia by bringing benefits from the implementation of

GRC, both in certification standards and consultancy.

RMG is recorded as part of the implementation of the work program of the Risk Management Certification Agency (BSMR) as well as the Banking Professional Certification Agency (LSPP), including international certification agencies, both in the context of providing risk management certification exams and conducting refreshment programs.

As Turkish Development Bank, Kalkinma provides full financing the risk management and accelerating the growth of SMEs in

Indonesia and ASEAN program, through studies and research, chaired by Togi Girsang. Apart from Indonesia, technical visit activities were also carried out in Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam.

Kamakura Corporation, headquartered in Honolulu, is the world’s leading provider of risk management solutions, information and

consulting. Robert Jarrow, as Managing Director is a Professor at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University. One of the journal entitled Rating Migration Matrices: Empirical Evidence in Indonesia, written by Wimboh Santoso, Muliaman D. Hadad, and other authors using the Kamakura Risk Information System (KRIS) in measuring credit risk.


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