Paseo Arts D i str i ct Known for its eclectic art galleries (many attached to working artists’ studios) and shops,
Boathouse D i str i ct Whether you want to train like an Olympian or just have some fun, the Boathouse
as well as distinctive Spanish Revival architecture, the Paseo Arts District has a bohemian vibe that will instantly charm you. Situated around a curvy, tree-lined street, visitors love exploring the more than 20 galleries, plus shops, bars and equally creative thriving food scene all by foot.
District along the Oklahoma River is specifically designed for outdoor recreation. It’s the official U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Training Site for rowing and canoe/kayak, but also has an ever-growing list of other activities and hosts numerous regattas and waterfront events throughout the year.
Br i cktown Just a short walk or streetcar ride from downtown hotels, event venues and attractions,
P l a z a D i str i ct If you’re the sort that likes to check out the hip and happening, you’ll find it in the Plaza
this former warehouse district is filled with restaurants, nightlife and family friendly entertainment options. From taking a water taxi ride along the Bricktown Canal to catching anOklahoma City Dodgers’ baseball game, Bricktown is a well-established entertainment district with a variety of hotel options easily within walking distance of all kinds of fun.
District; an enclave of locally-owned shops, neighborhood bars, fun-and-funky restaurants, plus the quirkiest mix of patrons and proprietors that unabashedly display their love for individuality and for this city.This district is also anchored by the nationally- renowned Lyric on the PlazaTheatre.
C i t y Cent er Marked by the skyscrapers that formOklahoma City’s skyline, City Center includes the hustle and bustle of downtownmixedwith several must-see urban destinations such as theOklahoma CityNationalMemorial &Museum. Discover everything fromurban parks to public art, splurge- worthy dining and even unexpected places like theUnderground, a network of tunnels that connects a large part of this district while housing restaurants, businesses and art installations.
Stockyards C i t y Home to a number of shops specializing in all thingsWestern, you can outfit an entire ranch
(cattle included) or just find a new pair of boots and enjoy a great steak in Stockyards City. It’s home to theOklahomaNational Stockyards, the world’s largest feeder and stocker cattlemarket, where live cattle auctions take place everyMonday andTuesday and are open to the public.
De ep Deuce Located just north of Bricktown, this district was the heart of OKC’s African-American neighborhood
West ern Av enue Fromupscale to accessible, contemporary to antique, theWesternAvenue district has a little
in the 1920s and 30s, and during that time the district was known for its incredible jazzmusic. Music legends Jimmy Rushing andCharlie Christian both calledDeepDeuce home, as didRalph Ellison, the author of InvisibleMan. Today you’ll find hip cocktail lounges, whiskey bars and dining options ranging fromupscale to creative takes on comfort food.
bit of everything. You’ll find local dives wheremaking friends comes easily, chic shops alongClassenCurve and one-of-a-kind food andwares that give you a taste of OKC’s local flavor in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Uptown 2 3rd Home to one of the newest neighborhood revitalizations inOKC, theUptown 23rd
Mi dtown Midtown’s mix of local restaurants, neighborhood pubs, unique shops and historic homes make it
District blends modern amenities with historic charm. Uptown is located along historic Route 66 withmany iconic landmarks such as the TowerTheatre, GoldDome andOklahoma City University's gothic towers. Locals love this district’s ever-growing list of restaurants, boutiques, diverse livemusic scene, street art andmore.
a great place to experience the best of OKC’s urban renaissance. This walkable district is buzzing at all times of day. Nightlife options range from retro-chic cocktail lounges to upbeat beer halls, including one with a bowling alley. Indie boutiques sell trendy clothing and designer home decor.
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