The Conversation Continues Legislative review consultations restart in October, with some significant proposed changes to APEGA’s governing legislation on the agenda. Among the topics we’ll need your feedback on are Permit Holder criteria, the authentication of professional documents, mandatory professional liability insurance, and professional development obligations
WHAT DOES APEGA DO WITH YOUR FEEDBACK? • The legislative review is a complex and lengthy process.
We’ve been working on proposed recommendations for changes to legislation for at least two years, and we anticipate the review will take until spring 2019 to complete. We’re consulting Members, Permit Holders, and other stakeholders in stages. • So far, we’ve held three rounds of consultations — two in 2015 and a third in early 2016. A fourth round begins this October. • During each consultation round, several face-to-face meetings, videoconferences, and webinars take place to share information and collect feedback about proposed legislative recommendations. Members and Permit Holders can also submit their feedback through a survey or directly by email. • When a consultation and survey wraps up, APEGA posts a We’re Listening report, which summarizes the feedback we’ve gathered. Based on this feedback, APEGA Council will endorse, or amend, the
We encourage you to read the full briefing notes, once they’re posted, to get a better understanding of the recommendations being proposed. Watch your inbox for an e-PEG announcement when this information goes live. SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK Join over 4,000 Members and Permit Holders who have shaped the future of the professions by taking part in the legislative review process. Because Member engagement is critical to the success of self-regulation, your input is important in the review and development of new legislation — legislation that will govern Professional Members and Permit Holders into the future, as they practise their professions in service to the public interest. Following are several ways you can get involved. Face-to-Face Consultation Sessions • Edmonton — October 18 and 19, and November 8 • Calgary — November 17 and 23 • Sherwood Park — November 8 All Members and Permit Holders are invited to attend one of these free, two-hour sessions. For participating, Members can claim credit under the APEGA CPD program. Register online at Webinars and Videoconferences • Webinars — October 25 and November 10, 15 and 23 • Videoconferences — October 26 and November 17 Survey • Open at from October 4 to December 2
APEGA’s legislative review is at a critical stage as we cross the midway mark in the consultation process and prepare for another round of formal consultations with Members and Permit Holders. So far, APEGA Council has endorsed more than 60 recommended changes to the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act (EGP Act), and these have been forwarded to the Government of Alberta for its consideration. The Act hasn’t had a major update in over 30 years, so we’re working with the province to ensure the Act continues to protect the public interest and reflect business and industry practices. Stakeholder consultations continue this fall, digging into a number of essential top- ics. This round of consultation focuses on a list of regulatory areas directly related to how Members and Permit Holders practise their professions and conduct their busi- ness. Over the next few months, we’ll be seeking your feedback on matters involving: • authentication practices • Permit to Practice and Responsible Member responsibilities • professional liability insurance • the introduction of creative sanctions • tools for statutory entities to better manage proceedings • the introduction of Custodian of Practice • our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program • our Provisional Licensee membership category Council meets September 30 to review and decide whether to support proposed recommendations set for discussion in fall consultations. Once these details are finalized, they’ll be published at
proposed recommendations. • Because the Engineering and
Geoscience Professions Act (EGP Act) is provincial legislation, the endorsed recommendations are sent to the Government of Alberta for its consideration. The proposed legislative changes Council is forwarding to the provincial government are based on APEGA’s stakeholder consultations. The province considers feedback from stakeholders an important part of legislative change. The list of recommendations already endorsed by Council can be found at
12 | PEG FALL 2016
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