Engineer ing Annual Base Salary by Years of Experience Comparison of 2014, 2015 , and 2016
250 , 000
200 , 000
150 , 000
2016 2015 2014
100 , 000
50 , 000
Years of Experience
Geocience Annual Base Salary by Years of Experience Comparison of 2014, 2015 , and 2016
250 , 000
200 , 000
150 , 000
2016 2015 2014
100 , 000
50 , 000
Years of Experience
Responsibility level A- has been omitted in these charts, as this level falls outside of the defined parameters for years of experience since graduation. The top four industry sectors for engineers and geoscientists, when ranked against the all-industry average at various levels for base salary , are: 1. Resource Exploitation (only oil and gas), $60,526 to $269,522 for A- to F+ 2. For-Profit Service, Control, or Utilities, $77,466 to $247,492 for A to F+
2. For Profit Service, Control, or Utilities, $85,729 to $472,240 for A to F+ 3. Not For Profit Service, Control, or Utilities, $74,394 to $251,143 for A to F+ 4. Manufacturing (non-durable), $133,844 to $355,364 for C to F Not surprisingly, resource exploitation (only oil and gas) consistently ranks as one of the top four industry sectors in terms of overall total compensation at all levels of responsibility.
3. Not-For-Profit Service, Control, or Utilities, $72,699 to $241,014 for A to F+ 4. Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) $47,780 to $226,082 A- to F+ The top four industry sectors for engineers and geoscientists, when ranked against the all-industry average at various levels for total compensation — including long-term incentives — are: 1. Resource Exploitation (only oil and gas), $62,238 to $494,101 for A- to F+
FALL 2016 PEG | 43
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