
www.marejournal.com Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — May 10 - 23, 2013 — C P ennsylvania S potlight PA P rojects /B uilding S ervices Converting two former warehouse structures into a vibrant new community BartonPartners attends Oxford Mills groundbreaking event O n April 17th, Barton- Partners was hon- ored to attend the

Oxford Street serves to con- nect the residents, workers and neighborhood, containing the most charming historic features on the site, like cast iron columns, pressed tin ceil- ings, and wood wainscoting. The abandoned alley between the two buildings will be fully restored with cobble stones, lively lighting and plantings, and will act as the primary public connection. Considering the nature of the project, this alley is appropriately named Hope Street.

funding. The most involved of these was the historic, which included extensive documenta- tion of existing and proposed conditions. This includes rep- lication of over 30 different window and door types, as well as careful restoration of the wood flooring, brick, and timber framing. A second ma- jor challenge was satisfying accessibility requirements. This was accomplished with multiple elevators and care- ful site re-grading. The final major challenge was meeting the energy efficiency require- ments, since the NPS would not allow insulation at the his- toric exterior brick walls. This was achieved primarily with new insulation at the roof and high-efficiency VRF heating and cooling systems. n

wonderful groundbreaking event which highlighted the educational mission of this project. Oxford Mills embraces the noble mission of providing affordable housing and office space to young school teachers and education-focused non- profits. Thismodel was success- fully developed in Baltimore by Seawall Development . Seawall teamed up with the Philadelphia-based D3 Real Estate and BartonPartners to create the first model in Phila- delphia. When the project was presented to the local CDC, it literally received applause for its potential to revitalize the depleted city block.

The project consists of con- verting two former warehouse structures in South Kens- ington, Philadelphia, into a vibrant new community of educators. The residential portion includes 114 apart- ments, with shared amenities and courtyard. Aportion of the east building is dedicated to office space. The office tenants will vary in size and include two floors dedicated to Teach for America. The commercial space includes four common conference rooms, break room, kitchenette, and courtyard. Finally, a large cafe along Mid Atlantic R EAL E STATE J OURNAL ’ S A NNUAL S POTLIGHT Industrial & Distributions Centers To allow for modest rental rates, BartonPartners worked closely with the developers to aggressively pursue of a variety of subsidies, such as Historic Tax Credits, New Market Tax Credits, and En- terprise Green Communities

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