
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — NJAA CoNfERENCE & Expo — May 10 - 23, 2013 — 15D


NJAA C oNfereNCe & e xpo

By William J pyznar, p.E., The falcon Group Low-slope roof system preventive maintenance program

T here are hundreds of mid and high rise residential buildings throughout

pairing isolated problems today can eliminate substantial costs down the road. Professional Consultation There are many different types of low slope roof cover- ings, composed of different materials - many of which are not compatible with each other. Roof types vary from built-up asphalt layers to modified bitumen to PVC (poly-vinyl- chloride), with many different materials and applications in between. For each system, there are proper and improper methods of drainage, flashing, insulating, fastening and re-

pairing. A repair that may be correct for one roof systemmay be detrimental to another. Roofing is perhaps one of the most important components on a building. With the effects of weather, gravity, humidity and heat combined, the roof must ensure a water tight enclosure that will divert water to its proper destination at ground level. Without proper atten- tion to detail, the roof will be subject to the effects of Mother Nature. Professionals offer a variety of methods to test for conditions, such as moisture buildup, that can not only effect

the life of the roof covering but also may decrease the R-value of the insulation, resulting in increased energy consumption of the building. In the extreme

case, moisture trapped under the roof surface can cause se- vere damage the decking and structural components of the building. n

the country w i t h l o w sloped (flat) memb r a n e and built-up roo f cover- ings. The re- construction c o s t s ( p e r square foot)

former phila. Eagles player and body language expert to Speak to at Expo

MoNRoE, NJ — The New Jersey Apartment Associa- tion’s 24th Annual Conference and Expo will features two key- note speakers with one speaker on each day of the conference: • Janine Driver, founder, president, and lead instructor for the Body Language Insti-

tute, will present Wednesday’s Opening Keynote Address. • Vince Papale, former Phila- delphia Eagles player, public speaker, and author will pres- ent Thursday’s Keynote Ad- dress. Papale is the inspiration behind Disney’s 2006 hit movie “Invincible”. n

William J Pyznar

of such systems are typically much more expensive then that of steep, asphalt roof- ing. Regular and Preventative maintenance of a flat or low slope roof is equally important, if not more important, then that of steep roofs. Effective maintenance is essential to maintain and extend the useful life of such systems. By having periodic inspec- tions of the roof system con- ducted by trained individuals, an Owner can plan for needed repair, replacement and retro- fitting prior to the occurrence of larger problems. Not only does this planning ensure that the Owner has the proper funding in their budget for improve- ments each year, but it also greatly decreases the chance of catastrophic events caused by severe storms, material failures, and/or wearing dete- rioration. There are a number of key points an Owner should keep inmind while considering when to implement spending for pre- ventive maintenance: Relative Value Deferring regular roof main- tenance may cause premature failure of the roof system and may increase the life-cycle cost. Regular, formalized mainte- nance will extend the roof life and lower life-cycle cost. Potential for Extended Damage Often the substrates (deck- ing, rigid insulation) below a low slope roofing system can sustain costly damage when moisture is trapped under the roof covering. Such damage can increase the cost of roof replace- ment from 50% to over 100%. Moisture damage may take place over time and go unno- ticed resulting in accelerated deterioration and increased replacement costs. Qualified consultants can detect invis- ible moisture buildup through a variety of testing methods. Common testing methods in- clude infrared and electrical capacitance. Detecting and re-

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