Summer 2022


S OF THIS WRITING, I MIGHT NOT BE ABLE to finish one chore I’ve been meaning to finish. Nevertheless, sharing thoughts on this piece is another chore I have to finish—that in itself is a feat. I’ve been quitely disappointed by a lot of things lately especially to what has happened recently in my life—from losing on my desired candidate to not securing that wonderful side job, it’s been a whirlwind of emotions. This month however, brings something to be excited about. Something that’s ordinary but something that we look forward to—summer, of course. We have an exciting line up of stories we wanted to share and aspirational pages we want you, our readers, to ponder on. As usual, trends pages are there to keep us updated, we have a refreshed wish list on what items to add on our summer wardrobe to dress fab. With fab being there, fab is the word for this month as we celebrate the month of June full of pride and inclusivity—it’s the pride month. We have handed on a full features on pride trends and pride feature. Speaking of Pride, our MET Gala favorites are displayed on who’s in and who’s fab! Adding to that as pride coincides summer, we have capitalizes on cities you might want to visit this month. Though there are somethings that makes me happy despite what’s going on, it is important to look forward and see the brighter things, to look for beauty in it and see its silver lining. After all, this is life, this is how it should be. So go on, keep that head up and cheer on! Toodles! A Cheer On!



EC Magazines | Summer Edition 2022

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