Summer 2022

Lydia Ford has written an incredibly honest and transparent story of her life. In the midst of past storms and life changing events, the death of her only daughter, and at the time of publication, the untimely death of her husband of 37 years, Rev. Ford has courageously held fast to her testimony, "Don't Forget to Say Your Prayers," as fi rst taught by her beloved grandmother.

Surely some of you have asked the question, Why pray? Does God even care that I am hurting?

How can prayer change what God has already sovereignly decreed?

How can prayer help me to move forward and accept the devastating loneliness and suffering of my present situation? In this book, Lydia Ford shares how prayer helped her to face the most dif fi cult trials and testing of her faith in God. Read her story and listen to her as she cries out and goes before the Lord with prayers and thanksgiving; relying on God for His assurance that He is only a prayer away.

$14.95 ● Paperback ● 9781936750412 $6.99 ● eBook

222 pages


EC Magazines | Summer Edition 2022

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