Summer 2022


Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? Acting lessons, fun with theater family members and joining out. Also, all the men in my life that I met inspired me so much to write. When did you write your first book and how old were you? I never thought about having my book published. I just enjoyed writing about my life. When I got married to my second husband and lived in Queens, I met Dr. Faretra and she told me after reading all my stories that she wanted me to have them put into a book and be published. What do you like to do when you’re not writing? I love to travel. I do reviews about restaurants that I love to eat in and I am known as the Dining Diva. I am a photographer and enjoy taking wonderful photos especially of landscapes, sunrise, sunsets and everything that I enjoy! Teaching, being named Teacher of the Year and Brooklyn was wonderful! I taught none prejudice and all my students learn that they could be friends with people no matter what their race, religion or color was. We had parties with families who brought in different food and music and each student read stories

about children who were different than them and shared them with the class. What does your family think of your writing? They are proud of it. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in writing a book? I learned that I could share parts of my life with other people, especially parents and teachers and that others should be kind to people and treat each other like how they would want to be treated. I also love pets and animals and know that in my book, I shared that children who have pets learn how to love and care and how they’re very happy to have them. Do you have any suggestions to help other writers to become better? If so, what are they? Share what you believe and be genuine with how you want others to learn. Give yourself time to write stories and share it with others. Be exciting and interesting and write things that will make your readers enjoy! What do you think makes a good story? If it is a non-fiction story as mine is, see what you could put into your book that will excite and entice your readers.

We got a chance to talk to this well-beloved author. Let’s get to know more on what inspires her and how she continues to be an inspiration to everyone. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer and what inspired you? My mother read to me from the time I was one year old. I started writing when I could and was always interested in buying books, going to the library and reading them at night before I go to sleep. How long does it take you to write a book? And what is your work schedule when you’re writing? I find my life so interesting and I was always writing stories about things that happened. I would write every weekend and on holidays and whenever I had extra time because I enjoyed it so much! What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? Places I went to and friends that I had as well as interesting events that made me want to write fun things which I could share with people.

A Collection of Memories Written by Helene Meisner Oelerich, Enlightens Readers to the Importance of Education in the Big Apple. ABOUT THE BOOK

The book, “Memories of a Jewish Girl from Brooklyn”, documented by Helene Meisner Oelerich places the readers in the shoes of the author on how challenging and fulfilling it is being a teacher. Helene believes that education is the most essential asset a parent could provide to every child or an individual. The author, as a prominent teacher in the community, believes that everyone has equal opportunity, the right to learn and share knowledge without discrimination and

prejudice regardless of race and gender. This is well-emphasized in her story. Read the book to get to know more of her utmost devotion to education for her students. It is also worth mentioning that Oelerich is also a talented writer, photographer, traveler, and restaurant critque. Her book “Memories of a Jewish Girl from Brooklyn” is an endearing account depicting the author’s personal relationships, moments and talents that defined her for everything that she is. EC


EC Magazines | Summer Edition 2022

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