Natural Habitats Palm Possible
Impact Report 2022
Natural Habitats
Impact Report 2021/2022
Crop diversity Crop diversity is important to attract a diverse group of insects and animals, which in turn attract other species. Different species find refuge in different kinds of tree and plant cover. More than half of the plantations in our supply network manage diverse crops on their land. This is either “mixed” crop, which means they planted other crops within their palm plantations, or “mixed production”, which means they planted other crops on adjacent lots or another property.
The HCV concept was originally developed by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to help define forest areas of outstanding and critical importance. A HCV area is simply a forest, a grassland, a watershed, or a landscape-level ecosystem that needs to be appropriately managed to maintain or enhance the identified values. Identifying the areas where these values occur is the essential first step in appropriately managing them. For a definition of the 6 distinguished HCV areas, please visit the RSPO website. WHAT DOES HIGH CONSERVATION VALUE MEAN? PROTECTING HIGH CONSERVATION VALUE AREAS
▶ 51 out of 87 plantations in our network grow other cash and food crops.
Biodiversity conservation By maintaining a patchwork landscape, with a mix of agricultural land, forests, riparian zones and water bodies, we can secure crucial diversity that is needed to sustain our ecosystems. In our supply network, 6.24% of the certified land has High Conservation Value (HCV). HCV areas are protected to conserve forests and biodiversity, and help wildlife to co-exist with farmers and their communities. HCV areas are also protected to support and regulate ecosystem services, and fulfill vital functions to meet some of the basic needs of local communities.
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