Natural Habitats Impact Report 2021-2022

Natural Habitats Palm Possible

Impact Report 2022


Natural Habitats

Impact Report 2021/2022





WHAT? What does fair and social actually mean?

Paying a premium When farmers transition to organic, sustainable, and ethical practices, and are certified by the standards we operate by, we pay them a premium for their fresh fruit bunches. ▶ Since we have been certified organic (2011), we have paid $11,168,698.71 in premium for the fresh fruit bunches we bought. Long term relationships We are committed to the farmers, workers, and communities in our supply network, and invest in building long term relationships. To support and train the farmers in our supply network, our team of 4 certification compliance experts and 2 agronomists are in the field daily. It takes time and effort to get farmers who have been cultivating oil palm conventionally for years, to transition to organic, sustainable, and ethical practices. By working consistently and diligently with the farmers, our team takes a step by step approach to teaching them new processes and procedures. It takes 3 years for the farmers to become fully certified. This is mainly due to the organic standard which determines that no chemical can be used for 3 years, before becoming certified organic.

To be a fair and social business means working to improve systemic inequalities. At Natural Habitats, we work in a way that ensures everyone in a community or an impacted area has access to the same opportunities and outcomes. WHY? Why do we care so much about fairness? By treating every person with dignity and equality, valuing different perspectives, and giving every person opportunities in life, we can improve personal well-being and make way for mutually supportive relationships. Fairness is not only about making sure that everyone is treated the same, it’s about encouraging respect, responsibility, leadership, and trust, which builds stronger communities that care for each other, and the planet. HOW? How do we meet this promise? To us, fair and social means every person in our supply chain benefits from our approach. We have a responsibility to ensure fairness at all levels of our supply chain, which means people receive meaningful employment, their rights are respected, and they receive fair prices and wages. We also support community projects around education, healthcare, and culture.


Training & support

▶ We invest $65,000 annually to train and support farmers to transition to and uphold organic, sustainable, and ethical practices. ▶ Our team of 4 certification compliance experts and 2 agronomists are out in the field daily to support and train the farmers in our supply network.

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