About Us

What We Stand For. American Apparel’s core values are evident in our business and in our branding: We are proud of our ethical manufacturing, ensuring that our products are sweatshop-free and globally-sourced. And we’re known for our inclusivity as a brand. We celebrate empowerment, diversity, authenticity, and integrity in everything we do. Empowerment. At American Apparel, we strive for equality in every aspect of our business. With operations in North and Central America, the Caribbean Basin, Asia, and Europe, we remain committed to implementing the best working conditions in the apparel industry to benefit the 48,000+ employees whose passion and dedication make us who we are. Diversity. A wide range of cultures representing diverse economic, political, legal, and social systems are reflected throughout our business. We take a proudly inclusive approach, providing a platform for marginalized communities and celebrating diversity in people from all walks of life.

Authenticity. Since our inception, American Apparel has been known for embracing natural beauty. Through open casting calls, we feature real people from all over the globe in our campaigns, with a bold, honest, and unapologetically sexy approach to representing people from all backgrounds.

Integrity. At American Apparel, environmental

sustainability is a key factor in every stage of production. We hold a deep conviction to rely on renewable energy sources, prioritizing ethically- harvested fabrics. We work closely with community organizations and local governments to provide support and financial assistance in each of our manufacturing countries.

Basics for life.

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