New to Cruise September 2023 PTC

Cruising can be regarded as an expensive holiday option, but when you consider what you get for your money, it can work out to be great value.


There are so many cruise lines offering such a variety of experiences at sea that it’s hard to know where to start, especially if you are booking your first cruise. Cruising, long regarded as a refuge for genteel OAPs, is dancing to a hipper tune. Ships have swapped stuffy dress codes and rituals to create a more relaxed and action-packed atmosphere at sea. With a younger clientele lured by the promise of thrilling adventures on land and sea, there’s no end to the fun you can have on a cruise, as there are activities nearly around the clock. Life on board can offer the ultimate chill-out or a continual social whirl. It’s entirely your choice. When it comes to destination, you can sail pretty much anywhere. The biggest choice of ships is in the Mediterranean in summer and the Caribbean in winter, but summer also means the Baltic, Norwegian fjords, or even Alaska. Winter sun is also on offer in the Canary Islands, Far East, Indian Ocean, or South America.

Cruising can be regarded as an expensive holiday option, but when you consider what you get for your money, it can work out to be great value. So many things are included in the up-front cost that you’ll hardly have any extras at the end of your cruise. Best of all is the quality and variety of food. From bountiful buffets to elegant dining rooms and speciality restaurants, the options are overwhelming.

They say it takes 20 years to book your first cruise and 20 minutes to book your second.


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