
We run onto the court and it’s my turn to shine

Our game begins and everyone in the stands begins to chime

The ball flies into the air and everything goes still

My team starts strong, hoping things won’t go downhill

Mind games initiate while the opposing bench hollers

My teammates, in the moment, as if the game’s worth a million dollars

We continuously score, bringing fear in the opponents' eyes

As the ball sinks in the hoop, the other team’s cheers die

The blaring horn signifies the second quarter is complete

Then we jog to the locker room for water and a seat

The other team, ready, has started a comeback

But their run comes to a halt as we regroup, back on track

Everyone’s face is sweating as the game concludes

The tone of the room is serious, given one team will lose

The refs are watching closely with every call crucial

Any call mistaken will most definitely be brutal

The clock runs down quickly and pressure begins to rise

I take the final shot and the outcome is a surprise

The ball falls in the hoop, ensuring that we win

The gym has gone crazy, but all I can do is just grin.

Guy Stern, Seventh Grade


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