Frances (Based on Betty Smith’s A Tree Grows in Brooklyn )
Frances An empathetic girl who transforms into a young woman,
Making mistakes along the way. Determined never to give up, Taking every chance fate throws her way. Working hard to make ends meet, Although that may not be her desire.
Living in a city where a tree can grow tall, Rooted beneath the rotten soil. Knowing her life may not resemble the tree’s strength, But striving for it every day.
Daughter of a mother who loves her son more than herself, But makes Frances feel inferior.
Who has a father that understands her, But is no longer there to express his love, A sister of two siblings who need her to survive.
A resident of a city where it is easy to go unnoticed; one among millions. Loving a father who will never be seen,
Yet feeling triumphant providing for her family. Needing to be acknowledged by her mother, Who never hears her silent cries. Giving help to others before herself Although she may need support the most. Fearing the judgment of others, While following her heart.
Dreams of being the best she can be, But nearly falling short. Realizing she tried her best while others tell her she did not. Having hope in her heart to see places unknown. First in her family to achieve the ultimate goal Of attending college. Francie.
Ariella Weisman, Seventh Grade
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