Tribulation, it will be to judge and to make war. Those last three words would be better translated “to make battle”. Fighting has been in this world ever since sin entered through Adam and Eve. God is not responsi ble for war! You see, in this passage, the conflict has already started. The Saviour comes to settle the matter once and for all. All the armies of the earth will be gathered around Jerusalem, seeking to crush God’s chosen peonle. The Church, as we saw earlier, will have been raptured, and the antichrist will then be the su preme dictator of the earth. The scene will be on the battlefield of Ar mageddon. Their evil purpose is to wipe out the last trace or thought of God. In verse 12 we find a tremendous description of what the Saviour will be like. What a contrast to what He was when He walked this earth 1900 years ago! Then His glory was veiled. Physically He appeared as a man. But when He returns in glory He will be seen in all the characteris tics of His deity and holiness. Here we see that His eyes were as a flame of fire. When He was here the first time, there was such compassion in His heart that His eyes were filled with tears. On His head there will be many crowns. In the moments preceding His crucifixion He wore a crown of thorns. Here in Revela tion 19, the reference is to the fact that there is no power, government, country, in fact no place in all this universe that will not feel His sov ereignty. He will not only sit on the throne of David, reigning over the land of Palestine, but also the extent of His kingdom will be from sea to sea and from rivers unto the ends of the earth. Then we see that Christ will have a name written that no one will know but Himself. Have you ever wondered just what that name is? At best all we could do would be to conjecture. Think what the name Jesus means 13
kind’s view. He went up to the high est heaven. God gave Him a name which is above every name. The important thing to remember is that He must return. He positively assert ed, “I will come again.” In Revela tion 19:11 John gives us the glimpse, “And I saw the heavens open.” It’s been a long time since the heavens have been opened. The last time that happened was when Stephen was stoned. The next time will be when the Church is translated at the end of this age. At the close of the Tribu lation, it will happen once again as we see recorded here. Are you look ing forward to the One who is “faith ful and true” ? There is not a person in this world, no matter how good he may be, who can be so described. Those two words are set over against that which is unfaithful and false. We see both of these things in every person in this world, including the man writing these thoughts. Jesus Christ is the personification of every characteristic of God the Fa ther. He is returning soon. May we re-echo in our hearts, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” P art III I T is SAID that there are more than 350 descriptive names given to our Saviour in Scripture. Yet when we read in Revelation 19:11 that He is “faithful and true,” we have some thing that plumbs the depths of His glory. He is the only One who could bear names like that. Even the very best of men who ever lived (and that includes both you and me) are to some degree among the unfaithful and false. Christ, on the other hand, is the very personification of faith fulness and truth. It’s only His blood that will fit us for the presence of God. And that hour, as the prophetic Word assures us, is fast approach ing! In Revelation 19:11 we are told that when the Son of God returns to this Earth, at the end of the
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