Paul wrote to the Thessalonians that we are not appointed unto wrath. D r . T albot : I t is exciting to consid er what the resurrection body of the believer will be like. I’m personally glad that there’s going to be a great change. Our bodies will be likened unto Christ’s glorified body. When His disciples first saw Him, they thought Christ was a spirit. The Lord demonstrated that His body was real, as He said, “Handle Me and see, because a spirit has not flesh and bone as ye see Me have.” As fur ther proof, He sat down and ate broiled fish with them. You can’t spiritualize that. I think fish was used to prove His reality. A spirit would have had a hard time with all those bones! I believe we’ll have the same familiar, identifying features. At the transfiguration Peter, James and John recognized Elijah and Moses. I think we’ll carry our same names into the next world, too. If Jacob could take his name into the next world then I ’ll take mine. D r . A nderson : I agree with you en tirely. Frequently I will have people ask me about the trumpets of the book of Revelation. They wonder if the seven trumpets in that portion of God’s Word are the same as the trump of God in First Thessalonians 4:16. I want to assure you that they are in no way the same. They herald completely different events. Trum pets in Revelation 11:15 sound forth judgment during the Tribulation. God’s wrath is being poured out upon the earth and sinful, Christ-re- jecting mankind. The trumpet of First Corinthians 15:51-58 and Sec ond Thessalonians 4:13-18 will usher in the resurrection of the believer. D r . T albot : The shout of the Lord as mentioned in First Thessalonians 4:16 may be just one word, “come.” That’s the first word I heard in the
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