preaching of the Gospel. It may also be the last word we hear before leav ing earth at the translation. Then, some believe that the voice of the archangel is Michael, who is connected with Israel and that he may have something to do with the Old Testament saints being at the resurrection. D r . A nderson : The first resurrec tion must be differentiated from the second found in the book of Revela tion. One is of delight and glory while the other brings condemnation and judgment. Every believer, wheth er he lived in the Old Testament or New and to this present hour, is cer tainly going to have a part in it. We read of the twenty-four elders who will be seated around the throne of God. Twelve stand representative of the old economy and twelve of the new covenant. Here is Israel on the one hand and the New Testament church on the other, representing all who believe in Jesus Christ. DR. T albot : Frankly, I’d be a lit tle disappointed if saints weren’t there like Adam and Eve, Abel, Abraham, Isaac, David and Daniel. As we sit down at the marriage sup per of the Lamb, we can rejoice alto gether. “Friends will be there I have loved long ago, joy like a river around me will flow.” But when we get to heaven, the first One whom we’ll want to see is the Lord Jesus Christ. D r . A nderson : Yes, Michael, the great prince, appointed by God to preside over the destinies of Israel, will arise to drive Satan and his de mons out of heavenly places casting them down to earth. But before this, there is a glorious day of resurrec tion coming for us. We need to get in our best service now for the Lord while we have time for one of these days the night cometh when no man can work.
WHERE THEY ARE GOING While students on many campuses are trying to find their identity and a sense of purpose in life, students at BIOLA find identity in a personal re lationship with Jesus Christ. They know that God has a definite plan for their lives. They are preparing themselves to serve the Lord in the field of His direction. We invite YOU, as a donor, to share in this ministry of preparing dedicated Christian young people who want to serve the Lord. At BIOLA they re ceive a thorough Christian education that prepares them to take their place in the world as faithful witnesses for Jesus Christ. Please mail coupon for FREE bro chure, STEWARDSHIP OPPORTUNI TIES, describing the various ways in which YOU can have a part in prepar ing young people for the Lord’s service. Yes, please send me a copy of the FREE brochure, STEWARDSHIP OPPOR TUNITIES. Mr. Mrs............................................... Miss Address........................................ S ta te ........................ Z i p ............. Send to: BIOLA SCHOOLS and COLLEGE, INC. 13800 Blola Ave., La Mirada, Calif. 90638 In Canada: BIOLA ASSOCIATION OF CANADA P.0. Box 3013, Vancouver, B.C., Canada City ........................................ ..
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