through a great deal of trial. It may have been sickness, or if he was in business, it could be that he experi enced financial reverses. In the midst of the difficulty he always had a song and a testimony for the Lord. He was approved as well in the eyes of all those who knew him. Would to God that this same could be said about each of us! P art IV I T has always been a real blessing to my heart to read the listing of names in the 16th chapter of Romans where we find “God’s Who’s Who in Heaven.” Whenever you feel discour aged, especially as you see what oth er people are doing, think of these dear saints. These are some of the people we want to meet when we get to glory. No doubt Paul spent a great deal of time when he got to heaven looking up all of these people. I can’t help but think of the obscure saints who have stood behind me faithfully over the years; no preacher serves Christ alone. In verse 13, we find the name of Rufus who was “chosen in the Lord.” Also linked to his name is his moth er as well as the mother of the apos tle. The use of the word chosen is an other way to say that he was a very special servant of God. We find a reference to this name in Mark 15:20 and 21. Here we learn that Simon the Cyrenian, who was compelled to bear our Lord’s cross, was the father of Alexander and Rufus. This is the only other mention of Rufus in the Bible. Since it is an unusual name, it could well be the same person. What a glorious assignment was that of Simon’s! The cross of Christ will be the theme of our song throughout the eternal ages. Although some re ligious systems would have people be lieve to the contrary, there are no parts of the cross in existence today. They are all gone. But there was a literal cross on which the Lord Jesus
Christ died. Without it He could not have redeemed us; without the shed ding of blood is no remission of sins. Paul came to know Rufus, the son of the one who carried Christ’s cross. Their mothers were also evidently acquainted and believers. It may be that Rufus was there the day Christ was crucified. I wonder what went through his mind as he saw the bit terness of that vile and mocking crowd. What love Paul had for Ru fus! When he visited in his home, he no doubt called Rufus’ mother his own mother. Although my literal mother has been in heaven for many years, all through my various pastor ates there have been faithful women whom I could consider as my adopted mothers. There was one woman in a church of mine who said, “Mr. Talbot, once I had a son who was killed. You re mind me so much of him.” (I felt sorry for the son when she said that!) She invited me to come to their home at any time. She and her husband welcomed me whenever I could visit them. We find a special warning in verse 14. It seems a shame in the light of all these wonderful things we have found so far. “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause di visions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.” Here were those with whom Paul had no patience. These were those who perverted the Gos pel of the grace of God. This is what is known as Galatianism and that’s why Paul wrote that Epistle to com bat this belief. This system would add the law to the faith in Jesus Christ. Consider especially Galatians 1 :7-9. Keep in mind that there is only one thing that will keep an individ ual out of hell and that is faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary. May the example of these faithful saints in Romans 16 be a real testimony to each of our hearts today! 7
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