Rhalda Prystowsky

Rhalda Prystowsky OF BLESSED MEMORY

Presented by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Rhalda Prystowsky OF BLESSED MEMORY

Rhalda Bressler Prystowsky passed away peacefully on May 27, 2020 on the same day as the yahrzeit of her late husband and the love of her life, Dr. Harry Prystowsky, of blessed memory. During her lifetime, she had an indelible impact in all of the communities she lived and held a number of leadership positions in the Jewish and general communities. While living in Gainesville, FL (where Harry was Professor and Chairman of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Florida, 1958-

Rhalda Prystowsky

1973), she was founder and president of the local Hadassah chapter and founder and executive director of the local United Jewish Appeal organization, and was a founding member and president of the University of Florida Medical Guild. While living in Hershey, PA (where Harry was Dean and Provost of the MS Hershey Medical Center of the Pennsylvania State University, 1973-1986), she was a founder and president of The

Hershey Museum of Life and was a chairperson of the local League of Women Voters. She was involved in the Jewish Federation of Harrisburg and later in the Greater Miami Jewish Federation when she and Harry retired to Surfside, FL. In Miami, Rhalda was a proud Lion of Judah for nearly 30 years and became one of the early members of The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s Heritage Society by making a $100,000 legacy

commitment through a gift of life insurance in 1993. Ray Ellen Yarkin tributes her mother for setting the stage for her future involvement in the Jewish community. “My mother’s involvement in the highest levels of leadership in a variety of organizations influenced my community involvement. When I was

Dr. Harry and Rhalda Prystowsky

in elementary school, I have a distinct memory of my mother making campaign solicitations for the Jewish Federation in Gainesville.” Sophie Yarkin, who spent Rhalda’s last minutes with her, shared that the importance of family and Jewish tradition were two things that she learned from her grandmother. “I always remember her cooking the most fabulous meals for Shabbat, Jewish holidays and Thanksgiving. It was important to her that she taught us the recipes so we, in turn, can pass those traditions on to our children. My last words to my grandmother

were ‘You were the glue of our family and I promise to keep the traditions of our family alive.’ Then she passed away peacefully.” Rhalda’s sister, Nancy Lipoff, credits Rhalda for two important things - introducing her to her husband, Norman, and teaching her entertaining etiquette. “When Rhalda and Harry moved to Gainesville, our mother told her I would be coming to visit, and she should find the ‘best guy on campus for me’. The rest is history! After our wedding, we spent our first six months in

Gainesville while Norman finished law school. Every morning I would take something from the freezer and call my sister for cooking instructions. She also taught me how to have a proper dinner party – lessons I still use today.” When Rhalda moved to the

Rhalda with granddaughter Sophie

Palace in Coral Gables from her Surfside home, Ray Ellen knew she would need additional assistance managing her mother’s care. In discussing this with Nancy, Nancy immediately replied, “call Golden Care.” As a past Foundation Chair, Nancy was very familiar with the Golden Care program. “Golden Care was phenomenal, a life saver,” Ray Ellen shared; “it was regular and reliable. Mindy Tucker, Golden Care Director, scheduled and took my mother to her medical appointments, was in constant touch with her aides and always reported back to the family on the results of each doctor visit and next course of action. Most importantly, mom was

comfortable and very happy with the level of care she received.” Rhalda will be forever remembered by friends and family for her beauty, generosity, grace and poise. Through the Rhalda Bressler Prystowsky Lion of Judah Endowment fund, Rhalda’s philanthropy and Jewish values will continue in perpetuity.

Temple Beth Am AND Rambam Day School

Presented by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

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