King's Business - 1922-09


W h a t Sai th the Scripture? Gal. 4-30

E-Oil men end seducers shall -Wax -Worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” 2 Tim. 3:13


TO EVERY MEMBER ------- i o f --- --- Tne Kings Business Family ------- and-------- Every Friend o f tke Family L e t Us A ll Join Hands in an effort to Double Our Subscription List The SECURING of ONE NEW SUBSCRIBER seems SUCH a SMALL thing and SUCH an EASY thing, BUT how MUCH it MAY mean to O U R L O R D ’ S W O R K ! Let us have your co-operation in A FOUR MONTHS’ CAMPAIGN The Subscription Price remains the same, $1.00 per Year New features will be introduced and we shall constantly seek to make it BETTER and BETTER. Helps and suggestions for the work will be sent upon receipt of your name. SEND A POSTAL TODAY TO T. C. HORTON, 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, California.

T H E K IN G ’S BUSINESS MOTTO: "I, the Lord, do keep it, / w ill water it every moment, lest any hurt it, / w ill keep it night and day.** ■-■■ ■'■■■ ' ' ...' Isa. 27:$ .....■-.T-r-r"-..— —............ - t - ...... s PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Entered as Second-Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879 Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918 Volume XIII September, 1922 Number 9 , Rev. T. C. HORTON, Editor in Chief Rev. KEITH L. BROOKS, Managing Editor ALAN S. PEARCE, Circulation Representative Contributing Editors DR. F. W. FARR DR. FRENCH E. OLIVER DR. A. C. DIXON CONTENTS Editorials—World’s Fundamentals Conference (881), The Laymen’s Department (883), Funny Fundamentals (884), What of America? (885), Rest for the Restless (887), A Sign of the Times (888), The Inevitable (888), What Will Happen to America? (889), What Did Jesus Think of His Own Death? (890). Bible Briefs— (892) World Conference Echoes— (893) World Conference Resolutions—-(896) Northern Baptist Convention—By Dr. F. W. Farr (899)

Things As They Are—By Hewitt Freeman (901) Signs of the Times— Summary of Conditions (902) Despicable Propaganda— By Dr. R. A. Torrey (906) The Red Terror—By Chas. J. Waehlte (908) The Man o f Sin—By F. E. Marsh (910) The Modern Drift—By Don O. Shelton (912) Evangelistic Stories—By Institute Workers (916) Bible Institute in China—By Frank A. Keller (923) Studies in Bible Fundamentals— By K. D. B. (925) Christian Evidences— By Prof. Elliott Skinner (927) An Incomparable Phenomenon— By D. M. Panton (928) Homiletical Helps— (930) Latter Day Mockers— From “Watch and Pray” (934) International Lessons— (939) Editorial Afterthoughts— (963) Is Christ’s Coming Imminent?—By Prof. Chas. R. Erdman (967) Book Review— (969) Dwell Deep— By Rev. J. Irving Reese— (972) ~

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SIGNS OF THE TIMES NUMBER Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the com­ mon salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. * * * These are murmfurers, compjlainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage. But, beloved, remember ye the‘ words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. (Jude 3, 4, 17-21.) THE WORLD’S FUNDAMENTALS CONFERENCE ' It is the last week in June, and the Fourth Annual Convention of the "World’s Fundamentals Conference is in session. We are writing for the September number of our magazine, which will be reaching our K ing’s Busi­ ness family August 1. We are sure that you will all be glad to have a word concerning the personnel of this remarkable gathering. The character of the speakers is as unique as it is varied. God never made any two leaves just alike, and we are glad He did not make any two men just alike. There has been no disappointment in the messengers nor the messages. The Chairman of the Conference, Dr. W. B. Riley, is known to many of you, and to his indefatigable and persistent efforts this movement is due. It has not been an easy task. It has necessitated a separation from his church and school for much of his time, and yet the call has been from God and he. has been loyal to it, and his own people are to be praised for their cheerful sacrifices for the good of the church at large. Get a picture of Dr. Riley, as he stood before a great gathering of the Ministerial Union of our city and addressed the men on the theme, “ Evolution is Neither Scientific nor Scrip­ tural,” and sympathize with the poor Modernists who wriggled in their seats as the speaker laid down his unanswerable arguments and demanded facts in place of fancies to prove their position. His method was kindly but there was a keenness which left no room for doubt, and the outbursts of applause told the story of the power of the message.

882 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Thé old Methodist “ war horse” is here, Dr. L. W. Munhall. Fifty years of service have not lessened his power. Strong, sturdy blows with the Sword of the Spirit are dealt with telling effect. Hundreds of men are in pulpits today through the instrumentality of his men’s meetings, and thousands of men ánd women recognize him as their spiritual father. This man, in defense of the faith, wrote the book, “ Breakers Ahead,” which aroused the laity of the Methodist Church; and for six years he has edited* in association with others, “ The Eastern Methodist,” in which he has loyally defended the Word of God and laid bare the errors of the leaders in Methodism in authorizing the use of infidel hooks in the Methodist schools. Contrast Prof. Bobert Dick Wilson, of Princeton Theological Seminary, to whom forty different languages and dialects are like the A B C ’s of the children. He is the outstanding scholar of the present time in the knowledge of the ancient languages. Holding the Old Book aloft, he challenges all comers to meet his arguments concerning the verity of the Old Testament. He has a remarkable ability in wrapping the leaders of the critical school in grave clothes and laying them away .in the tomb. It would be a wonderful thing for some of the saints with money to invest, to secure the services of this man to visit the strongholds of the schools, and let him give to the students of the universities the message of the manuscripts. And the “ Tiger of Texas” was with us, Bev. J. Frank Norris—the Gen­ eral of the South—pastor of the wonderful First Baptist Church of Fort Worth, Texas. Genial, affable, witty, but with red blood and a burning love for God’s Word and a deep-seated purpose to stand for it. He has set all of the Southern Baptists to talking and is rallying the Bible lovers to the standard. When Norris speaks something is said for which you do not need an interpreter and which you are apt to remember. Mr. Sidney Smith, of Winnipeg—calm, quiet, forceful, with the Word of God in his hand and in his heart, is a real Bible teacher. His messages are plain, practical and to the point. He is an ideal layman in his Christian life and in his public work. We thank God for him and pray that his kind may be multiplied. Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer is a Bible student and Bible expositor. You feel that you are sitting at the feet of one of the Apostles when he teaches, and in and through his messages the outstanding theme is the Grace of God. Scores have said it—“ He is a wonderful teacher.” Dr. W. P. White is a mixture of Chafer and Munhall, loving and gentle, yet strong and virile. When emphasis is needed it is there with no uncertain sound. He dwells more on the teaching of the Word itself than attacks upon the enemies of the truth. Dr. A. B. Winchester brings a message of power, clean-cut, scholarly and spiritual. You are not thinking of him but of HIM and no one who heard t.lipm will forget his words, nor his kindly demeanor. “ Fighting Bob” Shuler, as he is popularly known, the Methodist man from the mountains, with the courage of a lion and the gentleness of a lamb, gave a searching message on the second day of the Conference onx“ The Be- sources and Ability of God,” which stirred our hearts and warmed them with affection for him in his fight for the truth. READ “A FRANK CONFESSION”

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S 883 Dr. J. W. Lawrence—though it was his first appearance in Los Angeles and he gave us but one address—captured our hearts, and left a message never to be forgotten. These were the men from abroad. What shall we say of the home folks? Dr. Cortland Myers, the “ picture-painter” preacher who carries you along the road without giving you any opportunity to grow weary, and refreshes your soul. Dr. Frederic W. Farr—so different from any of the rest—the marvel with the English language, whose messages are classic in tone, deeply spiritual, always going right to the heart of things and saying more in an intellect­ ually interesting way in half an hour than any man we have ever known. Dr. French Oliver— our own evangelist, who looks his audience straight in the face and speaks with no uncertain sound a message always virile, defi­ nitely strong and convincing—a real man’s man. And last of all, our own Dean—Dr. R. A. Torrey—the prince of teachers, who needs no commendation or words of praise for his world-wide messages have touched the hearts and lives of tens of thousands of people. The attendance at every session was surprisingly large and the hearts of multitudes of God’s people were quickened, aroused and strengthened in faith. We deem this one of the most important gatherings ever held in the United States and believe that the effect will be far-reaching in the moulding of a new spiritual method of handling the Word of God. In another part of the magazine will be found the resolutions which were passed by the Resolution Committee of the Conference, as well as a few “ echoes” from the addresses. Twelve of the addresses have been printed in full in hook form, and can he had from the Biola Book Room, 536-558 South Hope Street’, Los Angeles, at 75c each. Special price in quantities. —T. C. H. THE LAYMEN’S DEPARTMENT In the July number we made an appeal for a Laymen’s Movement in defense of the Bible, to which we have had a number of responses from both laymen and ministers. This matter was presented at the W orld’s Funda­ mental Conference, lately held in Los Angeles, and the following resolution was adopted: “ We recommend the organization of a Laymen’s Movement in con­ nection with the Christian Fundamentals Association, and the selection of William Jennings Bryan to head that movement and in council with such laymen leaders as he may choose, formulate the lines along which this Laymen’s Movement may best function to the end of opposing Mod­ ernism and preaching the truth once delivered.” We had previously taken the matter up with Mr. Bryan and have assurance of a conference with him in September. We believe that Mr. Bryan’s outstanding position in defense of the Bible and his sterling qualities as a lay member of the church, would enable him to rally the men of the evangelical churches of this and other lands to a heroic fight which would eventuate in the defeat of the enemy. The laity of the church as a whole are true to the Word of God, and the moment they assert their rights the foes will capitulate. (See Inside Back Cover)

884 T he K i N g ’ 5 è O s i HESS Not only do we need to fight for the faith, but we need the leaders to take up an aggressive work in the giving of the Gospel to the non-church-going people of our land. The Sunday morning Men’s Bible Class of the Church of the Open Door, of Los Angeles, have for six months demonstrated what can be done when competent and Spirit-led leaders give themselves to the work, and we give the report of six months ’ service in which, on Sunday afternoons, they circled a radius of a hundred miles and produced thè following splendid results: O CO Ç*H o 3 •9 ® » ç» g

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8,226 4,186 We shall be glad to respond to any requests for information concerning the methods used. We shall also be glad to give in the department from month to month reports of experiences in this line of work and any helpful suggestions concerning the work of laymen. —-T. C. H. FUNNY FUNDAMENTALS The Fundamentals Movement has excited some good ministers to such an extent that they are feeling the necessity of some kind of basis for their own unbelief and are announcing their fundamentals to the public. We have room for but two illustrations. They are from city pulpits and are perhaps a fair sample of many of the effusions emanating from the dis­ ordered brain cavities of so-called evangelical ministers. One of these men read the program of the World’s Conference on Funda­ mentals to his audience and then set forth as the four great fundamentals of the church the following: (1) Faith. “ I believe.” Faith in the home, in the school, in the state, in business, in social life. It is the quality that paints pictures, writes music*, creates kingdoms. “ When the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?” (2) God, the source of all things, the explanation of all things, the one whom we adore and serve. (3) The personality of Jesus Christ. Not some theory about Him, not His teaching or His example or even His death, (taken apart from everything else) but He, Himself. (4) Love. The fundamental thing in Christianity is love. Faith, God, the personality of Jesus, love, are the abiding fundamentals. What we have quoted is a verbatim report taken by a stenographer. It would be interesting, as an illustration, to give to you the whole sermon. But it would not edify you. Your hearts would ache with sorrow, for once this man preached the Gospel. * 9,337 71,398 14,835

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


“ Hath not God made foolish the Wisdom of the wise?” 1 Cor. 1:20. In the course of his address he said: “ I have before me the full Funda­ mentals'program. I will read the subjects to be discussed,” and then he made this comment, “ The mere reading of these subjects reveals at once the blasphe­ mous character of the program.” Now we leave it to you to attempt to analyze the character of a man’s reasoning powers who could so characterize a program of Fundamentals based wholly upon God’s Word, constructive in every particular and true to the faith of the fathers. The other man spoke on “ The World Crisis in the Light of the Ethics of Jesus,” and gave the following as the “ six fundamentals of J e s u s ' (1) Men and not things as the basis of social life. (2) Solidarity of man, or brotherhood of man. (3) Supremacy of the common good. (4) Equal rights for all, not denying right to be well horn. (5) Co-operation and not competition, the law of progress. (6) Love and not force. No more world’s wars forever. We did not hear this sermon and would not ‘want to weary you with any extracts from i t ; the six statements speak for themselves. Six is the number of the Anti-Christ and we know that Satan does not care much what a man preaches about, so long as he does not emphasize the fallen nature of man, the necessity of a virgin-born Man from heaven to atone for sin, and the physical resurrection of that Man from the dead. We have characterized these two pronouncements as “ Funny Funda­ mentals,” and they are, but they are also false fundamentals and fatal to the church. • —T. C. H. WHAT OF AMERICA? In. the Los Angeles Times, of July 4, there appeared an editorial that could profitably be broadcasted throughout otir land. It has a meaning deeper,

886 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S perhaps, than the writer was conscious of. The editorial quotes a portion of another editorial from the “ Kansas City Star.” We wish space would permit us to print it in full, hut we earnestly plead with you to read and thoughtfully ponder the excerpt given: They have buried their dead in Illinois, and American civilization is compos­ ing its face to that bland expression that has come to be its main reliance against all questioning, all charges and all doubts. But questioning and doubt are not buried. They can neither be shot to death nor assured by that smooth countenance of society through whose hasty make-up show the scars and ulcers of a raging disease. Americans must answer the question, What of America? It is being asked today all over this broad continent; asked by Americans; asked in shame, humiliation and fear. Their country, their democracy, their laws, institutions and civilization are under indictment and the indictment goes unanswered. Obedience to law is liberty. So stands it written over the door of our courthouses. Can Americans read that solemn injunction and fail to acknowl­ edge to themselves that tested by it there is no liberty in America? There is no liberty where there is no law. There is no liberty where there is no protection for life or property. There is no liberty where there is no respect for human rights, where justice cannot be invoked both for the security of society and the punishment of its enemies. What of America?” . Rich, luxury-loving, money-grubbing, politically corrupt^; lawless America. Land of liberty, land of sacrifice, land of soldier dead, of patriot devotion, of patriot ideals sealed on so many heroic fields, watched over now by no spirit of America, but only by the cold, inanimate monuments that are America’s last remaining sentinels. The most lawless country in the world. A country of universal cynicism, skepticism and inhuman materialism. A country that raises a stately memorial _ to Abraham Lincoln and forgets or openly jeers at his teaching. A country where class hates class'and class arms against class, shooting and lynching and burning and dynamiting while the law looks on and the public is so indifferent that it even looks away. A country that throws open its gates to alien criminal and alien lunatic, to anarchist, bomber and hired assassin, and where few Amer- icans are born, few vote and few lead. What of America? 1 , . . What of its liberty and laws, its beliefs, faiths, sobriety and gravity of thought and action that were the America of old? If this republic could not endure half slave and half free, can it endure half law abiding and half lawless. Is there no leadership left to this land, on which so much of the last hope of humanity is fixed, to point out the course it is traveling and to call upon it with the voice of a Washington or a Lincoln or a Roosevelt to stay? What of America? No more solemn words of warning have ever come from human pen to the God-loving, God-fearing people of our beloved country than these. Who is to hlame for this condition? Had our Christian schools and churches been faithful to their trust could these words have been truthfully written1$ Nay, verily. Trace it all back to its source and find lawless pro­ fessors and lawless preachers violating their sacred vows, denying the author- LET US ALL JOIN HANDS

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S 887 ity of God’s Word, lying to their people about world conditions, assuring them that the world is getting better when every imaginable evidence stares them in the face giving the lie to their assertions. What about America? Yes, hut what about the church which should be the bulwark in defense o f law and order, of obedience to vows, and obedience to obligations and opportunity, of giving the Gospel to the people ? When will the men and women of the church arise in holy indignation and cry aloud against the betrayers of the trust committed to them by the fathers of the faith ? What about it ? Will you lie supinely upon your back while these enemies hind you and yours, hand and foot; or will you do your duty, do your best, and DO IT NOW in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the cause of righteousness? —T. C. H. É é m REST FOR THE RESTLESS There is a spirit of unrest in this old World more definitely universal than ever before. This condition is by many attributed to the late war, hut this is not the cause, although the war has contributed to it. There is no section of the earth where this unrest is not manifested. Newspapers, magazines, travellers, all bear testimony to it. Our own country is the most favored nation on the earth, but there is a deep-seated consciousness of this spirit of unrest among all classes. What is the cause? It is in the church and it is in the world. It is in the political and in the business domain. It is in the schools and universities. If one talks with men of affairs, business men, scholars, working men—he finds the same spirit of unrest. Men do not attempt to analyze it ; they simply recognize it. It is a fever. Of course this condition has always existed in some measure, because sin is a fever. “ There is no peace, saith the Lord, to the wicked. ’ ’ But the spirit of unrest is intensified today. The fever regis­ ters higher. The advancement of art and science, the multiplication of schools, o f inventions for ease and comfort, for rapid transit, have not improved the morals of people. Success in commercial affairs has brought no satisfaction to the souls of men. The root of unrest is deep-seated and grows more mani­ fest from day to day. Is something impending, some judgment, some catastrophe, some cata­ clysm? Are the times ripening for the fulfillment of the prophecy concern­ ing the last day? We do not know, we cannot tell, hut we are sure of thé presence of UNREST, deep seated, which seems prophetic. Don’t smile. Don’t laugh. Don’t say “ Pooh, pooh!” The pessimist? No, the optimist. We are sad over the unrest in the hearts of our fellow men. We are filled with sorrow over the awful judgment that awaits a wicked world, hut we are glad also that we have a God-given message for the restless, and it comes from the lips of the God-man : \‘ Come unto me and I will give you rest, ’ ’ and we could wish that we had a thousand lives; how gladly would we go to our fellow men and lift up Him whose outstretched arms and pierced hands are always saying, ‘ ‘ Come unto Me. ’ ’ The poor, weary, tired, restless-hearted world is waiting for the message— the only message that can give relief. And our Lord is waiting also for His (See Inside Front Cover)

888 T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S own loved ones, who have the joy of rest and peace, He is waiting for them to give the message. A restless world waiting! A loving Lord waiting! A crisis imminent! And what about ourselves who know the peace that passeth understanding? We whose eyes are turned with joyful anticipation to the heavens from whence we look for Him ? Can we be longer indifferent to the moans, the sobs, the cries of restless hearts all about us and way beyond us ? Why do we wait ? Why do we tarry ? God help us every one to have a heart for the lost, a hand of sympathy for the lonely, feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace that we may go as He bids us go—and as He Himself went—in obedience to His command, “ Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” —T. C. H. ¿We. A SIGN OF THE TIMES During the World’s Fundamentals Conference recently held in Los An­ geles the following advertisement appeared in the Saturday papers:

Crazy and, Crass Views o f the Bible I CHARGE that the slogan, “T H E OLD B IBLE AND T H E W HO LE B IBLE,” is silly, slanderous, and wicked. That it de­ bauches and makes a butt of the sacred book. That to call the Bible “The Word of God” is an affront to intelligence and an assassination of Sane and Spiritual Religion. I will make these and other charges good at the Universalist Church (1373 So. Alvarado St.) tomorrow morning. C. ELLWOOD NASH, Pastor.

This is a specimen of the significant signs of the times. This could not and would not have been printed twenty-five years ago. How this Nash gnashes his teeth at the Word of God! In this land of the Bible, made a free land by this Bible, where would Nash have been had there been no Bible ? He owes all he has and is to the Bible which he blasphemes. There is but one step from evangelical orthodoxy to modernism, and the next step is to the vilest kind of infidelity as flaunted by the Unitarian and Universalist deniers and defamers of God’s holy Word. Shame on them! Pity the poor dupes of Satan. Pray for them that they may be converted and spared from the wrath of God which awaits them. —T. C. H. THE INEVITABLE Smooth denials of the apostasy among missionaries sent out by the mis­ sionary boards, will no longer avail. The statement that these conditions ars appalling no longer can be said to rest upon the wailing of a few dis­ gruntled and fanatical missionaries. The fruits of the modern missionary- teachings, destructive of the Christian faith asJounded upon the Bible, are now developing so rapidly in certain foreign fields that no fair-minded person can fail to observe the trend of things. ENDURING INVESTMENTS

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 889 One of these fruits is the strong anti-Christian agitation everywhere springing up on the part of heathen leaders and based upon statements taken from Christian missionaries themselves. A few months ago we reprinted articles from a Buddhist paper of Ceylon in which the denials of some leading Christian theologians were featured, pointing out to the heathen that even the highly placed theologians were admitting that the foundations of the Christian Church were crumbling, and calling upon the people to hold firmly to their own beliefs. Now the news pours in from China regarding the anti-Christian propa­ ganda, and of the forming o f anti-Christian federations for the purpose of disparaging American mission interests. The Chinese papers are spreading the idea broadcast and already there is much apprehension lest the move­ ment should assume more aggressive developments. The propaganda is being pushed especially among college students. Appeals have been made to Chinese officials to try to nip the movement in the bud lest it should eventually lead to bloodshed. The Anti-Christian Alliance of China was organized at Peking in April with 800 members, and the suggestion for the formation of an all-China federation was unanimously passed. Reference is made in their literature to the great strides of science and the bankruptcy of Christianity in America, and objection is raised to Christian missionaries turning their attention to China under such conditions. Rev. T. L. Blailock, Southern Baptist missionary at Hankow, China, writes to the Western Recorder of the widespread proportions of this move­ ment, and says as to its cause that it had its rise in European and American teaching and philosophy, and that in no small measure Chinese students educated in American schools are responsible. He declares that it is. the legitimate child of the teaching of evolution (meaning not development and progress but Darwinism). It is a concrete case of what modernism will eventually result in among any people. Really we are getting tired of people writing us to the effect that they see nothing incompatible between Christianity and modern evolutionary views. A good way to test out these assertions is to go to the heathen with the Bible in one hand and the literature of modernism in the other and see what happens. It cannot but lead to the rejection of the missionary who goes under such an arrangement. The most simple-minded Chinaman can see that no harmony exists between the two things—that the modernist missionary is offering him one thing and believing another. In plain words, evolutionary teachers will have to go out under some other flag than the Christian flag. •$'£. ^ & WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO AMERICA? “ A certain householder planted a vineyard and hedged it round about. He let it out to husbandmen, and then went into a far country” (Matt. 21:83-34). The Householder was Jehovah. The vineyard was Israel, divinely cre­ ated, trained and guarded (Isa. 5:1-7). In the time of fruit, servants were sent to get the Householder’s re­ turns. There are special seasons, both in the history o f souls and nations, (See Insert)

890 T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S when, above all else, fruit is demanded. It will fare ill with the nation if fruit is not found. The servants were maltreated at the hands of Israel (Matt. 23:34-35). Two remarkable facts are Israel’s uniform hostility to their own prophets and Jehovah’s forbearance in sending them so many witnesses to be abused. Finally the Householder sends His own Son to demand His fruits. Here is Christ’s claim as to His own Person. The prophets before Him were.but bond-servants. He Himself is the Only Begotten Son, the sole Heir of God (Heb. 2:1). His advent was not only God’s ultimatum to Israel, but His final appeal to all men. The husbandmen caught Him; cast Him out; slew Him. The Jews would not accept of Christ in His Deity or atoning work. They thought by His murder to gain the spiritual supremacy for themselves. In the death of Christ upon the cross, we see evil come to its consummation. In closing the above parable, Jesus turned to the Pharisees and said, “ What should the Householder do to such husbandmen?” and they could but reply, “ He should miserably destroy them and let out his vineyard to men who will render the fruits.” Out of their own mouths the verdict had proceeded. They unconsciously uttered the prophecy of Jerusalem’s de­ struction, and the passing over of the vineyard to a new lot of servants who should “ render fru it” . But is this a lesson for Israel only? I f the Jews lost the vineyard by failing to honor the Son and yield up fruits unto God, may not other nations lose out in the same way? What of Asia Minor, Africa and Syria, where once the Gospel was preached, and then the Son dishonored? Is America holding the Kingdom on any other terms? Suppose enough of our religious leaders repudiate the Deity of Christ/ His atoning sacrifice, His regenerating work in the individual! Will not the blessing of God be withdrawn from this land as it has been from others? Will His testimony be set over in China or elsewhere? Here is something for us to think about. If our nation is in the same old drift of materialism that wrecked Israel and other nations, in God’s name, let every true Chris­ tian raise his voice in protest against the religious leadership that would hasten destruction upon this fair land. —K. L. B. $ 1 WHAT DID JESUS THINK OF HIS OWN DEATH? “ Jesus took bread, and blessed It, and brake It, and gave it to his disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup and gave thanks, and gave it to them saying, Drink ye all of it: for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” The Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, in his magazine, The Outlook, tells his thousands of readers that Jesus never taught the doctrine of a vicarious atonement. A Los Angeles minister, a type of many others who stand behind the communion table breaking the bread and pouring out the wine while abhoring the doctrine of the blood atonement, tells his people that it would have been all the same if Christ had been drowned instead of being nailed to the cross.

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 891 Yet how plainly our Lord’s own words concerning the memorial sup­ per tell us what He ■yrould have us think of His death. By it He points out the one moment of His whole career that He desires us to remember—His death upon the cross. And that cross, according to His own words, is not to remind us of “ the tragic end of a noble career,” but of a divine sacrifice securing remission of sins for all who will accept of His finished work. That the Lord’s Supper teaches us the sacrificial character of His death, it is impossible for any honest man to deny. Dr. Lyman Abbott insults the intelligence of ninety-nine per cent of his readers. The words of Jesus in this connection, as well as in many other recorded statements concerning His death, are unmeaning mummery unless the shedding of His blood was the ground of the remission of sins. Furthermiore, the Lord’s Supper proclaims not only the atoning char­ acter of His death, but His Deity as well,—another “ fundamental” to which Dr. Abbott and those of his school, object. Who is this Galilean peasant in a borrowed upper room, who steps for­ ward and says, “ I hereby put away the old covenant and institute a new one. I am the offering and the sacrifice. You are no longer to think of Moses, but of Me. Until I return in glory you are to keep remembering Me in this memorial supper” ? What a tremendous piece of audacity—except on one hypothesis. He was the Lamb of God and He was the Son of God. Every intelligent worshipper who takes the emblems of His broken body and His shed blood, acknowledges His Deity, His vicarious sacrifice, and looks forward to the day when He shall return to drink the new wine of the kingdom with His own. “ For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord ’s death until He come.” We may not be able scientifically to explain it all, but we can cleave to the Scripture truth concerning these things nevertheless, and have our souls flooded with the peace of God that comes from knowing that our sins were laid on Him, that He died for us, was accepted in our stead, and that God looks at us through Him, and all is well with our souls. —-K. L. B. Why N o t? There are some real smart men these days. Some of them are in the pulpit. We recently read an announcement from one of them, a Los Angeles pastor, to the effect that all real evolutionists taught that evolution was a continuous process and that matter, animal life and even man were evolving now, every minute, all the time, etc. That interests us when it comes to horses, for I have a red ant bed in my garden that may turn into a bunch of jack-asses any minute. Say, wouldn’t il be great stuff if some of these evolution brethren could find a lower species suddenly becoming a higher and absolutely different species, say a don­ key evolving into a theologian, and display him in the Smithsonian Insti­ tute while he was losing his ears, tail and bray and taking on all that scholarly poise? Now that is not said in jest. Why not? Evolution is at the job at the same old stand, according to the learned divine I refer to.— Rev. Bob Shuler, Los Angeles.





“ Kingdom of heaven” .—Matt. 3:2— - “ the rule of God through Christ— pres­ ent wherever wills bow to Him,. Future as to complete realization in heaven from whence it comes.” Its subjects are a heavenly people. Their treasures are laid up in heaven where they have their citizenship. Its ruler is in heaven, from whence He will come to receive His own. First manifestation of the Trinity in the New Testament-—Matt. 3:16, 17. Satan’s first utterance in the New Testament: “ If thou be the Son of God” —Matt. 4:3. Cf. Matt. 27:40. The devil can quote Scripture (Matt. 4 :6). He even tries by the use of Scripture to get men to be more reli­ gious— but by going to an extreme. Christ’s first ministerial utterance: “ It is written” (Matt. 4:4). The Sermon on the Mount— “ That perfect standard of conduct by which all are condemned as sinful and to which they can attain only by divine help.”—Erdman. The only person to bear the title pos­ sessed by Satan himself— Judas (John 6:70). The word for “ devil” here is not “ demon” , as it should be translated in many places, but Satan’s own name. Never mind what the “ great men” think about Christ. See Jn. 8:48; Mt. 11:25; 1 Cor. 1:20; 2:8. The only reason men remain in ignor­ ance of God— Jn. 8:19. The fatherhood of Satan and common brotherhood of man— Jn. 8:44. One question that remains unanswered — “ If this man was not God; how could He do such miracles?”— Jn. 9:16. Experience a safer teacher than rea­ son— Jn. 9:25. ■ LIFE SAVERS! WHAT ARE THEY?

God’s will (Jas. 4 :15 ); Way (Acts 18:25) and Work (1 Cor. 15:58). Law given— 3000 slain (Ex. 32:28). Spirit Given— 3000 saved (Acts 2:41). Two tremblers— Felix who procrasti­ nated (Acts 24:25). Jailer who accept­ ed (Acts 16:29). Shut in— for salvation (Gen. 7:16; Jn. 10:28),. Shut out— for damnation (Matt. 25:10; Lk. 13:25). In Romans 1— the Gospel of God, v. i| the power of God, v. 16; the right­ eousness of God, v. 17; the wrath of God, v. 18. In Romans 8:31-35— no accuser (v. 31); no persecutor (v. 33); no judge (v. 34); no jailer (v. 36). Sanctified— by the blood (Heb. 13: 12); the Spirit (1 Pet. 1 :2 ); the truth (Jn. 17:17). Translated when saved (Col. 1:13). Transformed by looking to Him (2 Cox. 3:18). Transfigured when He comes (1 Jn. 3 :2). “ Man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?” (Job 14:). Answer: If saved—Acts 7:59; Phil. 1:23; Lk. 23: 43. If unsaved— Lk. 16:23; Ps. 9:17; Rev. 20:13. There is a seven-fold manifestation of Christ in the Bible. 1. In Old Testa­ ment times as “ the angel of Jehovah." 2. In His incarnation— Isa. 9:6. 3. In resurrection glory— 1 Cor. 15:5-7. 4. To His .redeemed— 1 Jn. 3:2. 5. To execute judgment— Rev. 1:7. 6. In His kingdom— Isa. 33:17. 7. The eternal vision—Rev. 22:4. The first New Testament question: “ Where is he?” (Mt. 2 :2). Cf. “Where art thou?” (Gen. ,3 :9 ). The “ infantry” of the army of Chris­ tian martyrs. Matt. 2:16.

World Conference Eckoes Notes Taken from Addresses o f Speakers at the,World Conference on Fundamentals Held in Los Angeles, June 25-July 2 -J <—■ J V tially inward^of the mind love, joy, CCORDING to evolution,—with­ out an ape we could not have had Abraham; without a bit of moss we could not have had and heart,— faith, hope and salvation

through the grace of God alone. How account for this religion? The prophets say it came from God, and no other theory of its origin can account for its results, its superiority and influence. If the prophets did not get their ideas from God then the greatest of all mir­ acles has happened, involving all the rest, for if God spoke through the proph­ ets the revelation of His will could not be bound by the shackles of time and circumstance. The critics say that the prophets gave utterance to the ideas of their times; that they were limited by the time and place of their prophecy. But if this were all the source of their information, how then does it come that not from the temples of Babylon, nor from Delphi, but from the sheepfolds and dungeons, from the lowly cots of captives on the banks of the river, came forth these great words of hope and salvation and glory for the sin-cursed world? This is the key,—“Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”—(Dr. Robert Dick Wilson.) “The Bible no more commences with an ape idea than it ends with a Chicago University professor’s conclusions. On the other hand, the Bible begins and ends on a plane so lofty that only inspira­ tion can explain the height to which it rises or the flight in which it is sus­ tained. * * * The anticipations of the Bible positively, prove Inspiration vs. Evolution. A. J. Gordon said, ‘Prophecy is the mould of history.’ If so, we have in prophetic fulfillments a scientific dem­ onstration of inspiration. Here we come

Mary; without a centipede (blasphemy unspeakable!) we could not have had Christ. Evolution is silent as to man’s lost condition. The only curse it ac­ knowledges is the curse of heredity; the only redemption, the practice of eugenics.”— (Dr. Farr.) “You cannot save the world with soup, even if the Pacific Ocean were all soup. If the Rocky Mountains were a pile of sandwiches, they would still be insuffi­ cient to save the world. The only thing that will save,the world, and the only thing that will save the church, is to gel back to the foundations of our faith. Any church that undertakes to substitute a social program, or a program of moral reform, for the old Gospel of the Crons of Christ, with a fountain of blood at its foot,—that church has made a blunder that will leave it high and dry. The old preachers believed in a God who was mighty. They preached as though they had authority to preach. The trouble with our modem preachers is that they are going to universities and to libraries to find out wbat to'tell folks, instead of going to God. * * * We must get back to a God who is big enough to save peo­ ple without soup and sandwiches. * * * The nation is doomed unless Jesus Christ, the Son of God, comes to save it. If we do not soon have a mighty re­ vival in America,—then, goodbye, Amer­ ica! We will soon be on the dump heap of nations.”— (“Fighting Bob” Shuler.) “The old Testament religion is essen-

(See Outside Back Cover)


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S good news to a world out of joint, for He who never made anything ‘desolation and waste’ will restore the lost harmony of His creation.”— (Dr. W. P. White.) “May we suggest three fundamental weaknesses of modernism in its failure to attract to church or to win to Christ, viz.: An inadequate evangelistic spirit, method and message. Modernism has but little reputation as a pioneer. Its adherents possess the wells that others have dug. Others have toiled and they enter into their labors. Liberals are great ‘squatters’ and ‘squatter’s rights’ seem largely to constitute their title to the places of power and leadership which they hold. They have many menders of nets but few catchers of fish. Modernism is essentially a preachment of negation; a dilution rather than a declaration; an attenuation rather than an affirmation. Preaching, to be evangelistically success­ ful, must be positive and authoritative. It must descend from heaven upon men rather than rise out of the opinions and philosophies of men. ‘The orator comes with an inspiration, the prophet comes with a revelation.’ You cannot get peo­ ple to repent and believe if you offer them only a hypothesis. We are re­ minded of the farewell message of a man to his Unitarian pastor: ‘If what you have been preaching to us is not true, we do not want you here; and if what you have been preaching is true, we do not need you here.’ People do want to hear the ‘I know’ of revelation rather than the ‘I think’ of human opinion.”— (Dr. J. W. Lawrence.) “Every predicted feature of ‘the last days’ is, obviously, at the present time receiving an unprecedented fulfillment. False doctrine abounds and apostasy is dominant within the professing church. Men have turned from the faith once for all delivered and are substituting other doctrines which, by their very nature, cpuld in reality be of advantage to none other than Satan, for they deny the only

894 upon a wealth of argument the weight of which is as irresistible as would be an avalanche sweeping the sides of Mt. Everest. * * * The proposal of Mr. H. G. Wells to provide a new Bible will pro­ duce in the thinking world only derision and scorn. Men know that the Bible cannot be improved upon. They know full well that it will never again be equalled. * * * Is there a point at which you can add a solitary jot or tittle to its teaching that would prove of profit to the world? If not, why make a ’ mock of the masterpiece of the ages? If not, why neglect the Book of books? If not, why shut the ears against sentences that are so clearly from God? If not, why sit at the feet of men and permit them, in your presence, to scorn its evident Divin­ ity? If not, why not accept it as the basis for life-building, as the Pole Star for life’s direction, and as the source of information concerning the life to come?” —(Dr. W. B. Riley.) “We look not for peace through democ­ racy. We look for peace through Theoc­ racy. ‘The last Adam’ is to become the earth’s King. ‘The government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace —of the increase of His government there shall be no end, upon the Throne of David and upon His kingdom, to es­ tablish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts (not democracy) will perform this.’ This is the Gospel of the Bible: The Son of God is manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil. This, is the good news for the sinner, for it an­ nounces how God can be just and the justifier of a transgressor; how the sin­ ner can receive a new nature and come into vital fellowship and relationship with God and His fellows. It is the good news to the nations that bye and bye ‘He will rule the world in righteous­ ness by that Man, Christ Jesus.’ It is

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S way of salvation through the blood of Christ and substitute those elements of human character and works in spite of which the soul must he doomed forever. * * * At the close of his description of those conditions which are to obtain in the world of commerce during the ‘last days,’ James gives particular instruction to the child of God who may be living at that time: ‘Be patient, therefore, breth­ ren, unto the coming of the Lord.’ The believer is called upon in these days to remember that all the apostasy and wick­ edness of the earth is according to the permission of God and the fulfillment of prophecy. Only thus can he maintain an attitude of peace in his own soul, or patience toward the wrongs and failures he must behold on every side.”— (Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer.) “What is God’s plan and purpose as re­ vealed in His Word? To place a man as head and ruler over this world, and the man of God’s choosing is His only be­ gotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s purpose is to give to Him the headship and authority over every living creature that, at the mention of His name, ‘every knee shall bow.’ Now, what is Satan’s plan? Satan is an imitator and he seeks to imitate God in every possible way. Therefore his plan is to produce from fallen humanity a super-man who will take the government of the whole earth, who will be a world conqueror, and this man is called in Scripture ‘the Anti­ christ.’ “This conflict between Satan and God is the real cause of the world’s unrest. There has been unrest and disorder in the world ever since the day that Satan brought sin into the Garden of Eden. The reason it has now become universal and world-wide is because the day of the final struggle draws near. How reas­


suring for us to remember that ‘known unto God are all His works from the foundation of the world.’ God can af­ ford to wait, and at the appointed time He will fulfill His purpose. Meantime, let us remember that whatever may be the condition of the world around us, we who believe in Him are possessors of that peace which He made at the cross of Calvary and are safe and secure from all the storms which are to sweep over this sin-cursed earth.”— (Sidney T. Smith.) It is quite natural for human minds to discredit the supernatural. Most of the Higher Critics do this in their views of inspiration. The miraculous is not necessarily unscientific, not the setting aside or overriding of God’s laws. A miracle is simply God doing something according to certain laws of which we know nothing. To illustrate: If I had said, some years ago, that I had talked with a man a hundred miles away just as though he were tenjfeet distant from me, it would have been called a miracle, and why? Simply because there was then no law of acoustics known by which the human voice could be transmitted one hundred miles. But now, such a law has been discovered and our voices may be heard by our friends a hundred or a thousand miles away and it is not called a miracle. I doubt not that there are ten thousand laws operating in the uni­ verse of which man knows nothing, but concerning which he may truthfully say, ‘I know the method by which they oper­ ate.’ The Bible is not a text book upon the physical sciences. However, it has quite a little to say about the works of God and what it does say is said accu­ rately and well and can be absolutely relied upon.”—(Dr. L. W. Munhall.) J NOTE— Other Extract* will be reported in our Next Issue.

World Conference Resolutions Adopted Unanimously by the World Conference on Christian Fundamentals Meeting in Los Angeles

our children pure speculation in the name of science, and we have an equal right to demand the removal of any teacher who attempts to undermine in any man­ ner the Christian faith of pupils. In or­ der to accomplish this cleansing, it is also equally essential that we bring to the attention of school officials false text books now being popularly employed, and wage a relentless warfare against further employment of the same. We de­ mand neutrality on mooted questions. Since Evolution is a pure hypothesis, or, in other words, a guess, it is not the province of any school or teacher to im­ pose its hypotheses upon defenseless chil­ dren, and we herewith record our deter­ mination to continue opposition to both such teachers and text books until our schools be relieved of the same. Second: As members of evangelical churches and representatives of the evan­ gelical faith, we repudiate the “Religious Education Association,” as utterly Uni­ tarian and rationalistic, and declare our conviction that the International Sunday School Association, by its proposed alli­ ance with that Association, now deserves a total rejection, and we declare our pur­ pose to create our own Sunday School Bible courses by January 1, 1923, and advise the adoption of the same by every church that remains loyal to the Lord and His Word. In order also to make possible equally sound teaching in our schools and col­ leges, we recommend to those of our members who are adequately equipped for the work, the writing of Sunday School literature and of text books for theological seminary, university and sec-

Committee on Resolutions gs leave to submit the follow- ï report: To the Members and Friends

of the Christian Fundamentals Associa­ tion and to all who may be interested in the defense of the Christian Faith: In connection with this Fourth Annual Convention of the Christian Fundamen­ tals Association, we desire to record our gratitude to God for the very definite guidance given us from the time of our birth in Philadelphia, to date. The pro­ gress accomplished and the influences ex­ erted by the organization are matters of universal comment. It is perhaps true that more articles are now being pub­ lished on the Christian Fundamentals than upon any other single subject of re­ ligious concern. This is not alone grati­ fying; it is the positive proof of the need of our Movement and the justification of its existence. While Modernists have said extrava­ gant things about revolutions produced as a result of our Association, it is the conviction of your committee that these revolutions are only well commenced, and that we must “carry on” until they be perfectly accomplished. Thé objectives set before the organiza­ tion at its first meeting in Philadelphia remain unchanged; consequently we rec­ ommend : First: That our agitation against false teaching in both state and church schools, be continued until these schools are cleansed alike of false teachings and false teachers. As tax-payers, we have a perfect right to demand of the public schools that they cease from giving to

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