King's Business - 1922-09

“Best” Books


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The Foundations of Mormonism A Study of the Fundamental Fact« in the History and Doctrines of the Mormons from Original Sources By WILLIAM EARL LARUE The author has discovered and here brought together matter from original documents bearing on the origin and history of all branches | g | ^ g g g Church The facts presented are such that they must be either accepted or di proved. The book is especially designed to meet the needs of Christian worker, who come in contact with Mormon proselyting activities and s u p p l y g g » « practical information.

The Mormons and Their Bible By M. T. Lamb Few people realize how lightly the Mormons regard the authority of the Bible and how highly they regard the Book of Mormon, put-, ting it ahead of the Bible. This book will tell you all about these things. Paper, 36c Mormonism Today and Its Remedy By John D. Nutting It is one thing to know all about Mormonism— quite an­ other to be able to find good and sufficient remedy for it. This pamphlet gives us a glimpse at both the curse and the cure. Price ISc

The Mormon God Is NOT the God of the Bible By R. P. Boyd This booklet will give you a good idea of the Mormon teaching in relation to God. Compares that teaching with what Scripture says and this very clearly shows how er­ roneous the Mormon idea of God is. Price-10c Mormonism Under the Searchlight By W. E. Biederwolf When the searchlight of God’s Word is turned on Mormonism it stands reveal­ ed in all its hideousness. This booklet brings out just the facts about Mormonism that Christians should all know so as to be able to meet any and all arguments in its favor 20e

Mormonism: The Islam of America By Bruce Kinney, D. D. New edition. Doctor Kin­ ney treats the subject in a judicious way, avoiding de­ nunciation or iundue criti­ cism. The facts of Mormon history, doctrine, and life are woven into a readable story I that is sure to hold the atten­ tion. Price $1.25 The Real Doctrines of Mormonism By J. D . Nutting A short statement of the doctrines of Mormonism printed in tract form for dis­ tribution wherever Mormon Elders have been proselyt­ ing. Pric« Sc


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