King's Business - 1922-09





“ Kingdom of heaven” .—Matt. 3:2— - “ the rule of God through Christ— pres­ ent wherever wills bow to Him,. Future as to complete realization in heaven from whence it comes.” Its subjects are a heavenly people. Their treasures are laid up in heaven where they have their citizenship. Its ruler is in heaven, from whence He will come to receive His own. First manifestation of the Trinity in the New Testament-—Matt. 3:16, 17. Satan’s first utterance in the New Testament: “ If thou be the Son of God” —Matt. 4:3. Cf. Matt. 27:40. The devil can quote Scripture (Matt. 4 :6). He even tries by the use of Scripture to get men to be more reli­ gious— but by going to an extreme. Christ’s first ministerial utterance: “ It is written” (Matt. 4:4). The Sermon on the Mount— “ That perfect standard of conduct by which all are condemned as sinful and to which they can attain only by divine help.”—Erdman. The only person to bear the title pos­ sessed by Satan himself— Judas (John 6:70). The word for “ devil” here is not “ demon” , as it should be translated in many places, but Satan’s own name. Never mind what the “ great men” think about Christ. See Jn. 8:48; Mt. 11:25; 1 Cor. 1:20; 2:8. The only reason men remain in ignor­ ance of God— Jn. 8:19. The fatherhood of Satan and common brotherhood of man— Jn. 8:44. One question that remains unanswered — “ If this man was not God; how could He do such miracles?”— Jn. 9:16. Experience a safer teacher than rea­ son— Jn. 9:25. ■ LIFE SAVERS! WHAT ARE THEY?

God’s will (Jas. 4 :15 ); Way (Acts 18:25) and Work (1 Cor. 15:58). Law given— 3000 slain (Ex. 32:28). Spirit Given— 3000 saved (Acts 2:41). Two tremblers— Felix who procrasti­ nated (Acts 24:25). Jailer who accept­ ed (Acts 16:29). Shut in— for salvation (Gen. 7:16; Jn. 10:28),. Shut out— for damnation (Matt. 25:10; Lk. 13:25). In Romans 1— the Gospel of God, v. i| the power of God, v. 16; the right­ eousness of God, v. 17; the wrath of God, v. 18. In Romans 8:31-35— no accuser (v. 31); no persecutor (v. 33); no judge (v. 34); no jailer (v. 36). Sanctified— by the blood (Heb. 13: 12); the Spirit (1 Pet. 1 :2 ); the truth (Jn. 17:17). Translated when saved (Col. 1:13). Transformed by looking to Him (2 Cox. 3:18). Transfigured when He comes (1 Jn. 3 :2). “ Man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?” (Job 14:). Answer: If saved—Acts 7:59; Phil. 1:23; Lk. 23: 43. If unsaved— Lk. 16:23; Ps. 9:17; Rev. 20:13. There is a seven-fold manifestation of Christ in the Bible. 1. In Old Testa­ ment times as “ the angel of Jehovah." 2. In His incarnation— Isa. 9:6. 3. In resurrection glory— 1 Cor. 15:5-7. 4. To His .redeemed— 1 Jn. 3:2. 5. To execute judgment— Rev. 1:7. 6. In His kingdom— Isa. 33:17. 7. The eternal vision—Rev. 22:4. The first New Testament question: “ Where is he?” (Mt. 2 :2). Cf. “Where art thou?” (Gen. ,3 :9 ). The “ infantry” of the army of Chris­ tian martyrs. Matt. 2:16.

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