King's Business - 1922-09

World Conference Eckoes Notes Taken from Addresses o f Speakers at the,World Conference on Fundamentals Held in Los Angeles, June 25-July 2 -J <—■ J V tially inward^of the mind love, joy, CCORDING to evolution,—with­ out an ape we could not have had Abraham; without a bit of moss we could not have had and heart,— faith, hope and salvation

through the grace of God alone. How account for this religion? The prophets say it came from God, and no other theory of its origin can account for its results, its superiority and influence. If the prophets did not get their ideas from God then the greatest of all mir­ acles has happened, involving all the rest, for if God spoke through the proph­ ets the revelation of His will could not be bound by the shackles of time and circumstance. The critics say that the prophets gave utterance to the ideas of their times; that they were limited by the time and place of their prophecy. But if this were all the source of their information, how then does it come that not from the temples of Babylon, nor from Delphi, but from the sheepfolds and dungeons, from the lowly cots of captives on the banks of the river, came forth these great words of hope and salvation and glory for the sin-cursed world? This is the key,—“Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”—(Dr. Robert Dick Wilson.) “The Bible no more commences with an ape idea than it ends with a Chicago University professor’s conclusions. On the other hand, the Bible begins and ends on a plane so lofty that only inspira­ tion can explain the height to which it rises or the flight in which it is sus­ tained. * * * The anticipations of the Bible positively, prove Inspiration vs. Evolution. A. J. Gordon said, ‘Prophecy is the mould of history.’ If so, we have in prophetic fulfillments a scientific dem­ onstration of inspiration. Here we come

Mary; without a centipede (blasphemy unspeakable!) we could not have had Christ. Evolution is silent as to man’s lost condition. The only curse it ac­ knowledges is the curse of heredity; the only redemption, the practice of eugenics.”— (Dr. Farr.) “You cannot save the world with soup, even if the Pacific Ocean were all soup. If the Rocky Mountains were a pile of sandwiches, they would still be insuffi­ cient to save the world. The only thing that will save,the world, and the only thing that will save the church, is to gel back to the foundations of our faith. Any church that undertakes to substitute a social program, or a program of moral reform, for the old Gospel of the Crons of Christ, with a fountain of blood at its foot,—that church has made a blunder that will leave it high and dry. The old preachers believed in a God who was mighty. They preached as though they had authority to preach. The trouble with our modem preachers is that they are going to universities and to libraries to find out wbat to'tell folks, instead of going to God. * * * We must get back to a God who is big enough to save peo­ ple without soup and sandwiches. * * * The nation is doomed unless Jesus Christ, the Son of God, comes to save it. If we do not soon have a mighty re­ vival in America,—then, goodbye, Amer­ ica! We will soon be on the dump heap of nations.”— (“Fighting Bob” Shuler.) “The old Testament religion is essen-

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