King's Business - 1922-09

World Conference Resolutions Adopted Unanimously by the World Conference on Christian Fundamentals Meeting in Los Angeles

our children pure speculation in the name of science, and we have an equal right to demand the removal of any teacher who attempts to undermine in any man­ ner the Christian faith of pupils. In or­ der to accomplish this cleansing, it is also equally essential that we bring to the attention of school officials false text books now being popularly employed, and wage a relentless warfare against further employment of the same. We de­ mand neutrality on mooted questions. Since Evolution is a pure hypothesis, or, in other words, a guess, it is not the province of any school or teacher to im­ pose its hypotheses upon defenseless chil­ dren, and we herewith record our deter­ mination to continue opposition to both such teachers and text books until our schools be relieved of the same. Second: As members of evangelical churches and representatives of the evan­ gelical faith, we repudiate the “Religious Education Association,” as utterly Uni­ tarian and rationalistic, and declare our conviction that the International Sunday School Association, by its proposed alli­ ance with that Association, now deserves a total rejection, and we declare our pur­ pose to create our own Sunday School Bible courses by January 1, 1923, and advise the adoption of the same by every church that remains loyal to the Lord and His Word. In order also to make possible equally sound teaching in our schools and col­ leges, we recommend to those of our members who are adequately equipped for the work, the writing of Sunday School literature and of text books for theological seminary, university and sec-

Committee on Resolutions gs leave to submit the follow- ï report: To the Members and Friends

of the Christian Fundamentals Associa­ tion and to all who may be interested in the defense of the Christian Faith: In connection with this Fourth Annual Convention of the Christian Fundamen­ tals Association, we desire to record our gratitude to God for the very definite guidance given us from the time of our birth in Philadelphia, to date. The pro­ gress accomplished and the influences ex­ erted by the organization are matters of universal comment. It is perhaps true that more articles are now being pub­ lished on the Christian Fundamentals than upon any other single subject of re­ ligious concern. This is not alone grati­ fying; it is the positive proof of the need of our Movement and the justification of its existence. While Modernists have said extrava­ gant things about revolutions produced as a result of our Association, it is the conviction of your committee that these revolutions are only well commenced, and that we must “carry on” until they be perfectly accomplished. Thé objectives set before the organiza­ tion at its first meeting in Philadelphia remain unchanged; consequently we rec­ ommend : First: That our agitation against false teaching in both state and church schools, be continued until these schools are cleansed alike of false teachings and false teachers. As tax-payers, we have a perfect right to demand of the public schools that they cease from giving to

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