King's Business - 1922-09

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S ond grade school work, and we pledge to these our members, our co-operative endeavor to secure the adoption of such text books in all possible schools. Third: We have noted in connec­ tion with the denominational drives, the creation of ecclesiastical organizations that are becoming inimical alike to the autonomy of the churches and the intel­ lectual independence of the pastors. Our observation leads us to believe that there is a determined purpose on the part of many ecclesiatical leaders to oppress all churches and pastors which do not un­ questionably adopt the program provided by these same organizations and suggest­ ed by these same ecclesiastical powers, and we recommend to every church and minister holding to the fundamentals of oUr faith, increased loyalty to the Lord and His Word, and promise to all such to provide them, through this organiza­ tion, Christian fellowship, and in every instance where possible, such assistance and counsel as may the better aid in the work of both pastor and church. Fourth: We view with alarm the in­ creasing company of “Modernists” sent into both the Home and Foreign Mission fields. We record our convictions that such young men and women as carry to either of these fields a questionable atti­ tude toward the Authority of the Bible, the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ in­ cluding His Virgin Birth, His miracle working, His sacrificial atonement oh Calvary, His certain physical resurrec­ tion and ascension, are enemies of the truth of God and can do nothing but de­ range and destroy in the mission field service, and we plead with our denomi­ national powers to cease from putting such representatives of rationalism upon either the Home or Foreign field. We recommend to loyal individuals and churches that they designate their funds, and expend them only on such mission stations as have remained utterly loyal to the Lord and His work, and on such missionaries as believe the Bible to be


an infallibly inspired book, and we plead with our loyal people to give increasingly to the cause of our coming Christ. Fifth: In order to carry out these resolutions, we recommend further a di­ vision of the territory of the United States and Canada into nine sections, in each one of which shall be located a Fundamentals headquarters, with one member of our Advisory Committee in charge of the same, together with such lay co-operation and secretarial service as that section may be able to provide, under the committeeman’s leadership. While not anxious to fix hard and fast bounds, not to be transgressed by the representatives of another section, be­ lieving as we do that our work is so es­ sentially one that there can be no over­ lapping of interests, yet for the more per­ fect co-operation and larger possible ac­ complishments, we suggest the following lines: (1) Western Division—West of Long. 110, Headquarters in Portland, Oregon, in charge of Dr. W. P. White. (2) Rocky Mountain Division—Between Long. 100-110, headquarters at Denver, Colo. Leader to be selected by the Rocky Mountain Bible Conference. (3) West Central Division — Between Long. 90-100, and North of Lat. 40. Head­ quarters, Minneapolis. Leader, J. W. Lawrence. (4) East Central Division — Between Long. 80-90, and North of Lat. 40. Head­ quarters, Chicago. Leader, Dr. Jas. M. Gray. (5) Eastern Division—East of Long. 80- 75, and North of Lat. 40. Headquarters, Philadelphia, Pa. Leader, J. U. Adams. (6) Atlantic Division—Between Long. 75-65, North of Lat. 40. Leader, Hugh Munro, New York. (7) Southeastern Division—South of Lat. 40, and East of Long. 90. Headquar- - ters, Chattanooga, Tenn. Rev. J.'B. Phil­ lips in charge. (8) Southwestern Division—South of Lat. 40, and West of Long. 90. Headquar-

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