King's Business - 1922-09

T H E K I N G S B U S I N E S S We rejoice that the Sunday School Times, a non-denominational publication, remains strictly evangelical and orthodox, and! we give it our hearty approval, as we do practically every magazine carry­ ing Sunday School literature and being published by our Bible Training Schools. We further rejoice that till this good! hour, every effective evangelist in Amer­ ica is with us in the defense and propa­ gation of the Christian Fundamentals and we assure them of pur heartiest ap­ preciation, and desire to co-operate with them in every possible way. We note with delight the remarkable growth of the Seminaries and Bible Train­ ing Schools that are the best defenders of our faith and we rejoice that while skeptical theological seminaries are slow­ ly but certainly losing their attendants, the great increase in the attendance at Sound Seminaries and Bible Training Schools is taxing the provisions of such schools to the utmost. COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS, SPURGEON’S PROPHECY What Mr. Spurgeon said during the times of the down-grade controversy, has an application today. Listen to that voice of courageous conviction, as it rings out: “We live in perilous times; we are passing through a most eventful period; the Christian world is con­ vulsed; there is a mighty upheaval of the old foundations of faith; a great overhauling of old teaching. The Bible is made to speak today in a language, which to our fathers would be an un­ known tongue. Gospel teachings, the proclamation of which made men fear to sin, and dread the thought of eter­ nity, are being shelved. Calvary is being robbed of its glory, sin of its hor­ ror, and we are said to be evolving into a reign of vigorous and blessed senti­ mentality, in which heaven and earth, God and man are to become a heap of sensational emotions.”


ters, Fort Worth, Texas, in charge of Rev. J. Frank Norris. (9) Canadian Division, Winnipeg. Mr. Sidney T. Smith in charge. We further recommend that these com­ mitteemen be regarded as the executives of the Bible Conference Committee, W. B. Riley, of Minneapolis, chairman, with headquarters in Minneapolis. We recommend E. J. Pace (the cartoon­ ist) as an efficient friend of the Funda­ mentalist Movement, and nominate him as our Publicity Man. In addition, we recommend the crea­ tion of a literature committee composed of such members whose special office it shall be to collate and publish a program of sound reading, the names and address­ es of fundamental newspapers and maga­ zines, and who shall also be charged with the commission of finding text book writ­ ers and giving them such co-operation as shall be essential in publication and popularizing their products. Finally: We recommend the organ­ ization of a Laymen’s Movement in con­ nection with the Christian Fundamentals Association and selection of William Jen­ nings Bryan to head that movement and, in council with such laymen leaders as he may choose, formulate the lines along which this Laymen’s Movement may best function to the end of opposing Modern­ ism and preaching the truth once deliv­ ered. In answer to some questions, let the following be said: First: On sound reading, Dr. James M. Gray, at our re­ quest has published a pamphlet giving an extensive list of books covering all vital subjects of the Christian faith. We stand ready to provide this to any student who wishes to consult a directory on sound literature. Second: In the matter of Sunday School literature. We find that some of the denominations are remaining fairly faithful and believe wherever their liter­ ature is sound, it ought to be employed by the members of that denomination.

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