King's Business - 1922-09

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S cannot be required with applications for membership. Only about.two per cent of the nation’s students ever enter a college or university and only about ten per cent enter a high school. The church encourages education but does not require it. A church that appealed only to the so-called ‘intelligent’ would be neither large nor useful. Christian­ ity is for all who will hear Christ’s call and accept His salvation. “ The brute hypothesis has never made headway.among the masses and, as I shall show, has alienated from Christianity a large percentage of those who have accepted it. What shall it profit the. church if it shall gain all the college graduates and lose its God, its Bible, and its Christ? Education can not be substituted for religion. Those who think it can, misunderstand both religion and man’s highest need. “ The proof that the influence of Dar­ winism is harmful—-not always but as a rule—is abundant. Professor Leuba, of Bryn Mawr College, states in his book on ‘Belief in God and Immortality’ that more than half of the prominent scientists in the United States do not, according to their own.statements, be­ lieve in a personal God or a personal immortality. Ministers tell me of the effect of Darwinism in undermining the faith of their own sons; parents tell me of their children returning from college to scoff at the Bible; preachers assume to stand behind the pulpit and preach the Word of God when the Bible has ceased to be to them an inspired Book.” Describing the evolutionist’s habit of looking wise and superior, while at the same time he squirms out of answering requests for proof, Mr. Bryan said:


and their eulogies; met with vociferous and prolonged applause. Thus, under the camouflage of loyalty and love for a Book which they set at nought in class-room and pulpit by reduc­ ing it to the natural level of human gen­ ius, they carried the day by a vote of two to one. However, a parliamentary vic­ tory on the floor of a public assembly is bootless and fruitless. It settles nothing. It would not be otherwise, if the situation were reversed. It is possible indeed that an ostensible victory may prove more disastrous than a downright defeat. The Baptist sky is by .no means cloudless and the future is neither radiant nor roseate with promise. There are debts amount­ ing to some millions of dollars. The lib­ erals are not likely to pay these debts. That the conservatives will come for­ ward with greatly increased gifts in the face of a campaign of ridicule and abuse is too much to expect. Indeed the pa­ tience and forbearance of the conserva­ tives is little short of marvelous. It is a woiider that long since the trumpet has not sounded and the cry been raised as in Israel of old, “What portion have we in David, and what inheritance in the son of Jesse? To your tents, O Israel.” BRYAN AT BAPTIST CONFERENCE SR. William Jennings Bryan in his address at the Fundament­ als Conference of the Northern i Baptist Convention, June 13, made the following statements: “ The Christian church stands for the equality of souls— all souls are alike precious in the sight of God. Christ died for all and His appeal is to ALL—- ‘Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden’-—He established no literary test for salvation. He Himself was reared in a carpenter shop; fisher­ men and tent-makers were good enough to be His associates and apostles— ‘the common people heard Him gladly.’ Christ’s church today must stand upon the same broad foundation; diplomas

“ Evolutionism assumes that all that is in the world is the result of endless change from a little germ or so that got. started perhaps a billion years ago. They assume but do not prove. They cannot explain anything, but they can believe anything. LIFE SAVERS! WHAT ARE THEY?

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