King's Business - 1922-09

A Summar o f Far-East Conditions That Are Rapidly Bearing Out Bible Prophecies Signs in the East

or from foreign thrones. But in the latter time of the great Gentile period of earthly domination just before the final destruction of Gentile world power, Egypt is to be restored in power and influence and have her own king. Dan­ iel II. tells how the “ King of the South,” meaning the king of Egypt, will occupy an important relation to the final strug­ gles over Palestine. This recent de­ velopment is of deep significance, there­ fore, as it reveals the final shaping up for the last days of the Gentile age. We live in solemn times.” The editor of the Prophetic News says; “ ‘Behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt; and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at His presence.’ (Is. 19:1). . “ ‘The idols of Egypt will be moved at His presence.’ ‘Idols’ may be taken in several ways; but here, evidently, some­ thing more is meant than is generally understood by idols; for while these can be abolished and cast away (Isa. 2: 18- 19), they can hardly be said to be ‘moved.’ ‘Idol’ is used of the Anti- Christ as ‘the idol shepherd’ (Zech. 11:17); the word is rendered ‘no value,’ in describing physicians who are not competent to fulfill their profession (Job 13:4), and it is also given as ‘a thing of nought’ (Jer. 14:14), in de­ scribing the emptiness of the teaching of false prophets. We may use ‘idol’ in each of these senses, remembering that an idol is anything or anyone put in the place of the true God. All false teachers, all that are incompetent in ministering to others, everything that is of no value, and all that is set in

The Kingship of Egypt a few weeks ago became an established fact with little fuss or excitement, when Great Britain released its hold upon the land. The royal decree issued from Cairo an­ nounced the election of Ahmed Fuad Pasha as King and declares that all kings must be of the Moslem religion. The editor of the Jewish Era says: “ In the onrush of happenings per­ taining to the children of Israel we can­ not but feel that there is a special sig­ nificance in the events now transpiring in Egypt; even though we may not have the pen of an oracle to picture it. The Prophet Isaiah, however, gives us flash­ lights upon it in his prophecies. There is evidently a time coming denominated “ that day” when through desolations she shall share Kingdom blessings with Israel (see Isa. 19:16-25), when Egypt, who hitherto had been a snare and a curse to the chosen people of God, shall hear the voice of “ the Lord of Hosts” saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people. . . . and Israel mine inheritance” (v. 25). “ It looks as though the Lord were hastening the day to perform it, and as though the day may not be far dis­ tant when the past associations of the two countries will be changed into present blessings.” Thomas Chalmers, the noted Jewish worker, says: “ King Fuad is the first native crowned head of Egypt since the famous Cleo­ patra, B. C. 30. In Ezekiel 29:15, God said of Egypt, “ It shall be the bas­ est of the kingdoms.” For centuries it was ruled over by foreign dynasties

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