King's Business - 1922-09

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S too, is a Red. The Bible says he is. a “ Great RED Dragon.” (Rev. 12.; 3.) But why is he Red? Because Red is the color of sin. Sin is Scarlet. Sin is “ Red like Crimson.” Red is the color of blood. The Devil is Red because he is a murderer. “ He was a mur­ derer from the beginning.” And even now he is marshalling his Red soldiers and his Red religion, and is getting ready for the greatest debauch in Red blood that the world has ever known. Listen what this Red murderer has done in Red Russia since October, 1917. Here is a list of Red murders reported by the Bolshevists themselves. We copy from the Jewish Missionary Magazine: Bishops murdered 28, Priests murdered 1215, Professors murdered 6775, Physi­ cians murdered, 8800, .Army officers murdered 54,650, Soldiers murdered 260,000, Police murdered 59,000, Land- owners murdered 12,950, “ Intelligent­ sia” murdered 355,250, Workmen mur­ dered 193,350, Peasants murdered 815,100. A total of 1,767,118 murders in five short years. If this is the record of the Red when only his shadow is here, what will it be when the great Red incarnation actually stalks through the great Red world? Woe! Woe! Woe! gs» afe HOW OUR SUBSCRIBERS FEEL ABOUT IT Good Wholesome Food Many letters like the following come to us from far away corners of the earth where the King’s Business has witnessed. This writer is a missionary in British Guiana, and he says: “Our station is very isolated, and we are cut off from Christian fellowship with fellow workers. The King’s Business has made up for what we have been losing, for therein we get the best thoughts from others and many helpful suggestions for our studies. It is certainly good wholesome food for all who have a desire for the things of God.” We are enabled to reach these far-away missionaries through gifts that


are from time to time sent us for our free subscription fund. This fund is prayerfully administered and many lives have been blessed through it. Modernism in Auckland Here is just a touch of Auckland, New Zealand. A minister there writes: “Mod­ ernism and destructive criticism are making serious inroads into our church out here and many of us are feeling that we will yet have to cut adrift and form new ranks that will stand for evangelical teaching.' I only wish many of our so- called church periodicals would strike as loyal a note for'the Lord Jesus Christ and for the Scriptures as does the King’s Business. If ever there was a time when the man of God was called to stand four square, it is today.” Dr. Biederwolf Heard From Dr. W. E. Biederwolf, secretary of the National Federated Evangelistic Com­ mittee, after reading a copy of our July •number, could not contain himself, and sent the following note to the editor: “That was a hot one you handed the Uni­ tarian editor of Boston. MORE POWER TO YOUR ARM.” Bone of Contention We were somewhat startled recently when we opened a letter and read this opening sentence: “The King’s Business is a bone of contention in our home." But the letter went on to say: “We can’t agree whether it belongs at the house or at the office. We will have to have two copies per month in order to settle the matter. One thing we are agreed upon —it fs the finest magazine we know of.” The World’s Best A Bible teacher in Colorado, who takes many of the best evangelical magazines, writes as follows: “The King’s Busi­ ness is today the best magazine of its kind in the world. I speak a solemn fact,, trusting not in any way to minister t<\ pride, by well-deserved praise, but to stimulate you to always please Him whom you are serving so faithfully and loyally.”

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