King's Business - 1922-09

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S The Radio Department, in charge of Mr. M. E. Carrier, receives many letters of appreciation of the services rendered to sick, afflicted and otherwise “ shut in” listeners. A high school teacher from Whittier writes: “ One of the most impressive services I have ever attended was over the Radiophone.” A “ shut in” says: “ I cannot command words to express how thoroughly my heart was cheered and warmed by your stirring messages.” Another writes: “ My husband, son and I are grateful to God who gives you and the Institute the faith and zeal to preach the Gospel in this new and won­ derful way.” A young man, “ who has been ill in a hospital for a year, hears all the sermons and sacred concerts and enjoys them very much.” Another from Altadena says: “ Could hear perfectly, but did not hear announcement of col­ lection, but here is mine,” and he en­ closed a bill. A university professor

914 Christless world leaders? The abound­ ing evidence of moral decline and the present world chaos are lightning flashes revealing the desolation which results when men reject the Word of God. ¿Mfe. sa» ai» OUR ¡RADIO STATION The picture—below is of our Radio­ phone broadcasting station, which was designed and built in our "own shops by M. E. and O. B. Carrier. This station is located on the roof of the Bible In­ stitute building, and we have for the past three months been broadcasting our sermons, lectures and concerts over the Radiophone to thousands of friends hundreds of miles away. In this respect we enjoy the distinc­ tion of being the first in the West to broadcast exclusively religious matter.

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