King's Business - 1922-09

¿irtirrrné ffrrrrrftrirmrrrrrirrrrri¥iTrrrrrrffrtrTiiiTrnrffrrrtrrinriTrrrrrr»rrfniifi’irt^tnrrfiti»nfrrfirrntfiirt»iTrtrrrtirr'iifiT*mii^ii*fririiriiiri Evangelistic Department fiirmiifli Q( INTERESTING STORIES from REAL EXPERIENCE A S T O L D B Y B I B L E I N S T I T U T E W O R K E R S g l - ninnimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLimiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiinnr WORK WITH SEAMEN P . W . Goyette, Supt. — Our workers board all vessels In the port of San Pedro, Molding Gospel Services and D istributing Literature.

. Another man, on our first visit, when we offered him some literature, said, “I am not interested.” We replied, “Of course you know this is what you ought to have, but if you do not want it, we will pass on.” Leaving the ship, we passed by his door, which was open, and, thinking, “It will do no harm to leave a' book,” we left a Moody book on his table. Last Saturday he greeted us in the most friendly manner, saying to us, be­ fore the other men, “That was a won­ derful book.” Pray for him that the seed may take root and bear fruit in his life.

NB thing has greatly impressed us as we have gone on with this work, and that is the power of God’s Word. Unlike most of the other evangelistic workers, the Lord does not often permit us to know the re­ sults of our testimony, hut this last month we were privileged to visit two or three boats which we had previously vis­ ited and to find- out if those men who had confessed the Lord were ‘standing true. How glad it made us when one young man ran up from his work in the lower part of the boat and said, “I want to thank you and tell you how glad I am that you came on this ship.” Another man offered money, but we told him that we were not after his money, but after his soul.

WORK AMONG THE JEWS Jam es A . T a n s , Snpt. —Bible Classes and Personal W ork, Street Meetings and Semi- , Monthly Mass Meetings fo r Jews of Los Angeles. H N a recent number of the King’s Business we told the story of how, through visitation work in the Jewish homes, a certain of ushering in the Sabbath by lighting certain candles. •This is one of the du­ ties of the Jewish housewife and one which she had never forsaken in spite of the fact that she was not orthodox in other respects, and she further followed the Jewish custom in preparing her meals “Kosher.” When first approached concerning her attitude toward spiritual things, she was most indifferent, so much so that human­ ly speaking it seemed useless to speak with her. Knowing God delights to an­ swer prayer, one worker after another visited her and sought to get her inter­ ested in her own spiritual welfare. Weeks HELP US REACH OUR GOAL— 100,000 SUBSCRIBERS Jewish man, who had been a secret be­ liever for many years, was led into an open confession of his faith in Jesus Christ. Ever since that time he has been earnestly seeking to bring about the con­ version of his wife, who has been a “ free thinker” for years. Though his wife has freely acknowledged her scepticism of both Judaism and Christianity, yet she had never cut herself off entirely from Judaisjn. She still continued to “Ben- shen Lecht,” which is a Jewish custom

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