King's Business - 1922-09

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


BIOLA CLUB OF PASADENA B ltre o d P . Ly o n , Sapt. — Qur center for Bible Classes, Evangelistic Serviess and P ersonal W ork, in the heart of the City of Pasadena. lie testimony to the saving power of the spite of the hot weather and

le fact that many people have ane Bast or are away for their immer vacation, the classes

Lord Jesus Christ. Four churches at the present time are depending on Biola Club to send them missionary speakers and helpers. We have organized among the young people an evangelistic' team, who go out and hold street meetings. They tell us, “We are so happy. We wanted to do some­ thing for the Lord but didn’t know what to do or how to do it.” Strangers come to the club for rest and spiritual literature; ministers and mis­ sionaries come for cheer and fellowship with the saints; taken all together, the past month has seen much good accom­ plished, many saved, reclaimed, inspired and stimulated to aggressive personal soul-saving work. lead him to the Lamb of God? For “ by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” The next is also a young man, who had known nothing but hard knocks from, a poor old sin-cursed world. He had been forced as a lad at the Orphan Home to attend religious services or be put in the dungeon, but when Jesus in all His ten­ der love is presented by a Spirit-filled lad, the “I will” comes from his heart before the invitation is issued. His next thought is how he can win to Christ his own sister, brought up by a Roman Catholic. Then comes a poor old man, discour­ aged, despondent, defeated, ready to take his own life. What a joy to lead such a one to Him! “From shades of night to plains of light, Oh! praise His Naine, He lifted me.”

are well attended and the interest is splendid. New faces are constantly ap­ pearing and appeals for spiritual help are being received constantly. A young man came for spiritual help and left with a new hope and purpose to live for Christ alone. An aged woman, homeless and in spiritual distress, came for spiritual advice and prayer. In a short time she returned to tell of an­ swered prayer. Not only had she found comfort and joy in the Lord, but a per­ manent home had been provided for her. A man of middle age was placed on the prayer list and in less than a month, he accepted the Lord and gave a clear pub- NOTHER month with all its op­ portunities and privileges has rolled by: thirty days and nights of clean white pages upon which have been written the things which have passed for His stamp of approval in that day so rapidly near­ ing when we shall render an account of our stewardship to Him. Let us tell of a few of the many who have come to Biola Hall. Here comes a Roman Catholic, who studied for the priesthood, but had no peace, till the Spirit of God revealed the Prince of Peace to him through the blood of His cross, and now he can sing, “Peace, peace, wonderful peace.” A young man comes all the way from Texas with his buddy, but mother’s prayers followed him! Was it any wonder, then,, that his steps were di­ rected to Biola Hall, and that there a watcher for souls should be used to

BIOLA HALL WORK D> t M C u t , Supt.—Our City Mission for Men in the center of Los Angeles. Meetings con ­ tinuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Noon-day Prayer Meeting.

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