King's Business - 1922-09

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S MORAL NEGLECT “ Inasmuch as ye did it not” (Matt. 25:45). The parables of judgment in the teachings of Christ are aimed constantly at sins of omission, as if He saw that there our peril lay. The foolish .virgins did not stone the wedding procession or steal the refreshments or insult the bride— they neglected the duty of hav­ ing oil in their lamps, and were, there­ fore, excluded from the feast. The man with one talent did not use it for any evil purpose—rhe did not use it at all, and stood, therefore, condemned. The men on the left hand in the great judg­ ment scene were not accused of rob­ bing the poor or mistreating the sick or the imprisoned. Inasmuch as they did it not to the least of the needy, they failed of acceptance with Him. The way to perdition is paved with moral neglect.— Charles R. Brown. TACTFUL REBUKE John Wesley once, when travelling, had for fellow-passenger in a coach an officer who was very intelligent and very agreeable in conversation; but there was one very serious drawback— his profanity. When they changed vehicles, Wesley took the officer aside, and after expressing the pleasure he had enjoyed in his company, said he had a great favor to ask him. The young officer re­ plied, “ I will take great pleasure in obliging you, for I am sure you will not make an unreasonable request.” “ Then,” said Wesley, “ as we have to travel to­ gether some distance, I beg that if I should so far forget myself as to swear you will kindly reprove me.” The officer immediately saw the motive, and felt the force of the request, and, smiling, said, “ None but Mr. Wesley could have conceived a reply in such a manner.” The reproof acted like a charm. READ “A FRANK CONFESSION”

922 asked me if I would be willing to make a change to accommodate her.” These are but two of many dear girls whose lives are being sweetened and strengthened through acquaintance with their living, loving Lord, whom they have come to know through the study of His Word. Progress of Euodia Club The friends of the Euodia Club will be glad to know of the progress of the work during the year. The April report showed an enrollment of 600 girls in the twenty-six clubs now being held in the various high, intermediate and grammar schools of the city and adjoining towns. Several hundred more girls have come under the influence of Euodia who are not included in this number, because they have only come once or twiee, but they have heard the Word and God has promised that His Word shall not return unto Him void. These Bible classes meet once a week after school, and are held in a church or private home near the school. During the Easter vacation, between eighty and ninety girls attended a three- day conference and outing in the Arroyo Seco, and only eternity will reveal the results of those days. At the closing conference, when Miss Pohnert asked how many were planning life service for the Lord, about fifteen hands were raised, a number of them having made this de­ cision during the conference. The clos­ ing night in camp we had an old-time praise and testimony meeting around the camp fire, and teachers of the different clubs are still reporting results of that night. The year’s work closed with a banquet at the Bible Institute the first week in June, ending with a definite message from the Word of God. Over sixty girls have confessed Christ in the various classes, and a number are looking for­ ward to entering the Bible Institute.

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