King's Business - 1922-09

Enduring Investments Thoroughly Prepared Young Men and Women for Christian Work AT HOME OR ABROAD BIBLE IN S T I TUT E OF LOS ANGE L E S (Including Day, Evening and Correspondence Classes in this Land, and 193 Students in our Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China) THROUGH OUR EVANGELISTIC ENTERPRISES We are reaching EVERY DAY o f the WEEK, and EVERY WEEK in the YEAR H U N D RE D S O F W OM EN , through Classes con d u cted b y our 25 B ible W om en . T H O U S A N D S OF MEN, in our C ity Mission, in the Shops, and on the Vessels com ing in to our harbor. M A N Y M E X IC AN FAM ILIES , Men, W om e n and Children. L A R G E NUMBERS O F JEW ISH PEOPLE , w h o are responding to the G o sp e l as never b e fo re . 4 0 ,0 0 0 PEOPLE every m on th through TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS, helping thousands o f Christian W ork ers and stimulating their faith in the inerrant W o r d o f G o d . Y o u can help us d ou b le this number. SEND US YOUR GIFTS OF AN Y AMOUNT WE WILL INSURE SATISFACTORY RETURNS T . C . H O R TO N , Superintendent, 5 3 6 -5 5 8 South H o p e Street, L os Angeles, California 1 7 5 1 S T U D E N T S Enrolled in 1921 in the

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