King's Business - 1922-09

882 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Thé old Methodist “ war horse” is here, Dr. L. W. Munhall. Fifty years of service have not lessened his power. Strong, sturdy blows with the Sword of the Spirit are dealt with telling effect. Hundreds of men are in pulpits today through the instrumentality of his men’s meetings, and thousands of men ánd women recognize him as their spiritual father. This man, in defense of the faith, wrote the book, “ Breakers Ahead,” which aroused the laity of the Methodist Church; and for six years he has edited* in association with others, “ The Eastern Methodist,” in which he has loyally defended the Word of God and laid bare the errors of the leaders in Methodism in authorizing the use of infidel hooks in the Methodist schools. Contrast Prof. Bobert Dick Wilson, of Princeton Theological Seminary, to whom forty different languages and dialects are like the A B C ’s of the children. He is the outstanding scholar of the present time in the knowledge of the ancient languages. Holding the Old Book aloft, he challenges all comers to meet his arguments concerning the verity of the Old Testament. He has a remarkable ability in wrapping the leaders of the critical school in grave clothes and laying them away .in the tomb. It would be a wonderful thing for some of the saints with money to invest, to secure the services of this man to visit the strongholds of the schools, and let him give to the students of the universities the message of the manuscripts. And the “ Tiger of Texas” was with us, Bev. J. Frank Norris—the Gen­ eral of the South—pastor of the wonderful First Baptist Church of Fort Worth, Texas. Genial, affable, witty, but with red blood and a burning love for God’s Word and a deep-seated purpose to stand for it. He has set all of the Southern Baptists to talking and is rallying the Bible lovers to the standard. When Norris speaks something is said for which you do not need an interpreter and which you are apt to remember. Mr. Sidney Smith, of Winnipeg—calm, quiet, forceful, with the Word of God in his hand and in his heart, is a real Bible teacher. His messages are plain, practical and to the point. He is an ideal layman in his Christian life and in his public work. We thank God for him and pray that his kind may be multiplied. Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer is a Bible student and Bible expositor. You feel that you are sitting at the feet of one of the Apostles when he teaches, and in and through his messages the outstanding theme is the Grace of God. Scores have said it—“ He is a wonderful teacher.” Dr. W. P. White is a mixture of Chafer and Munhall, loving and gentle, yet strong and virile. When emphasis is needed it is there with no uncertain sound. He dwells more on the teaching of the Word itself than attacks upon the enemies of the truth. Dr. A. B. Winchester brings a message of power, clean-cut, scholarly and spiritual. You are not thinking of him but of HIM and no one who heard t.lipm will forget his words, nor his kindly demeanor. “ Fighting Bob” Shuler, as he is popularly known, the Methodist man from the mountains, with the courage of a lion and the gentleness of a lamb, gave a searching message on the second day of the Conference onx“ The Be- sources and Ability of God,” which stirred our hearts and warmed them with affection for him in his fight for the truth. READ “A FRANK CONFESSION”

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