King's Business - 1922-09

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S and “ opened the Book in the sight of all the people.” He stood upon a platform where all could see him. When he opened it, the people stood up, in reverence for the Book. Ezra lifted up his hands in praise and adoration to Jehovah as did David in 1 Chron. 29:10: “W h ere fo re D a vid blessed the D o rd be­ fore a ll the co n g reg a tio n; and D a vid said, Blessed be th ou, L o rd God of Israe l, our fathe r, fo r ever and ever.” and from hearts and lips came the re­ sponse, “ Amen, Amen” , which means, “ So be it.” It is well and wise to say Amen to God’s Word (2 Tim. 3 :16 ): “ A.11 Scripture is g ive n b y in sp ira tio n Of God, and is profitable fo r doctrine, fo r re­ proof, for correction, fo r in s tru ctio n in righteousness.” Say Amen to that. It brings convic­ tion. It brings conversion. It brings cheer. It brings comfort. We need an open Bible in our own rooms, in the family circle, in the school, in the church and Sunday School ard in the halls of Congress. Our Lord commanded, “ Search the Scrip­ tures for in them ye think ye have eter­ nal life, and they are they which testify of Me” (John 6:39). And He also said (John 5:46, 47) “ F o r had ye believed Moses, ye w o u ld have believed m e; fo r he w ro te of me. B u t if ye believe not his w ritin g s , h ow sh all ye believe m y w ord s ?” In these days we are compelled to take our stand either with Moses and the prophets and the Lord Jesus Christ, or with the deniers of the Word of God in the schools and in the pulpits.


I am, would go into the temple to save his life? I will not go.” Nehemiah was a leader, loyal to God, under orders from God. He put on a great building project for God, carried it through and then, like a soldier, stood up in the strength of God. He had executive ability. He pre­ pared a register of the first remnant of the people, and of the priests and Le- vites; of the children of Solomon’s ser­ vants; of the priests without pedigree; of the whole congregation and of iheir substance and gifts. He was a workman and. worked on the walls. He was a soldier and carried a sword. He was an executive and exe­ cuted affairs in a practical manner and prepared the people for the lesson of the day. (1) THE BOOK ORDERED, vs. 1, 2. “ Bring the book.” The laity appear here. These are God’s people and the people speak. “ Ezra, bring the Book," and Ezra brought the Book. It would be well to meditate a little at this point. These peop'e did not want a stump speaker. They did not want an orator. They did not want some poetic effusions. They did not want moying pictures or jazz music. They wanted the Book— God’s Book— the “ Book of the Law of Modes’’ which the Lord had given to Israel. The Old Testament, which men tell , us is an­ tiquated, which people do not want, which they tell us is not inspired, and is not true, but which Nehemiah believed and Ezra be’ieved to be true, and to which our Lord set His seal when he said, (Luke 16:31): “ If th e y hear no t Moses and the proph­ ets, neither w ill th e y he persuaded though One rose from the dead.” (2) THE BOOK OPENED, vs. 3-7. “ Ezra opened the book.” - This is a remarkable picture. Here is a street meeting,— men, women and children who could understand,— gath­ ered in the open. They called for the Book, and Ezra, the priest, responded

The men and women of the church should rise up— as they have a right to do if they are true to God and to His Word— and demand that the preacher or teacher state positively whether or not they recognize the Old Testament as God’s Word; and if they find that they have been permitting false teachers and preachers to fool them and their chil­ dren, they should rise up in their wrath and order the deniers of God’s Word out of God’s House. There is a transforming power in the LIFE SAVERS! WHAT -ARE THEY?

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