King's Business - 1922-09

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

962 themselves a. certain kind of promi­ nence and short-lived advantage, but the name no longer means what It did. Sometimes this use of a recognized name is entirely fraudulent, being adopted without authority of any sort. “ Christianity” is the name under which for many centuries the Church has car­ ried on its business of disseminating a Gospel based upon authoritative, in­ spired Scriptures, declaring salvation for fallen men through the death and resurrection of our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Under the name of Chris­ tianity, however, some have begun do­ ing business of quite a different charac­ ter, and we have resulting products, substitutes, proclaimed as “ just as good,” “ newer and batter,” “ adapted to modern requirements,” “ meeting the public demand.” Have these vendors of a new evangel bought out the right to the word “Christianity” ? How dare they dispense “ another Gospel” under that name? Can we not hear Paul vehemently protesting?— as in Gala­ tians 1®-“ Another Gospel! which is not another! If any man preach any other . . . . let him be accursed. Do I seek to please -men? If I please men I should not be a servant of Christ.”— China's Millions.

Enrollments Are Coming Thick Fast

Our new co rre sp on d ­ en ce course fo r B ible beginners is eviden t­ ly just what p e op le

have been wanting. if It is n ot com p lica ted .

if It gives y ou som e o f the m ost essential doctrines o f the B ible in simple form . •I It permits the student to d o his ow n thinking. if It leads y ou direct to the pure stream o f the W o r d o f G o d . if T h e fact that the student has to fo rm his ow n con clu ­ sion and write them out, makes the studies d ou b ly fascinating. W ith full privileges o f our C o r r e s p o n d e n c e d* S ch ool, the price, in- eluding all study m a­ terial is on ly ................. THINK OF IT! Enroll any time with Bible Institute of Los Angeles 5 3 6 -5 5 8 S. H o p e St., L os Angeles, Calif.


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C i r c u l a t i o n R e p r e s e n t a t i v e of THE KING’S BUSINESS 536 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Cal.

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