Campus Commons PT - September 2021


How It Can Help You Recover More Quickly

Many people seek to rehabilitate themselves using physical therapy following a surgery, but did you know that physical therapy before your surgery can benefit you as well? That might understandably seem strange. After all, why would you do physical therapy before your surgery, only to use it as a means of recovery afterward? In short, physical therapy before surgery, known as preventive rehabilitation or “prehab” is a proactive means of preparing your body for recovery, rather than a purely reactive one — and that can make your recovery process a lot smoother.

You might have heard an estimate for your recovery time following your surgery from a health care professional. Depending on the surgery, it could be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, most likely. What if there was a way you could get back to the activities you love sooner? If you take the time to strengthen your muscles and joints as much as you can in the affected area before the surgery, that part of your body will be stronger and more adept at recovering once the surgery is done. You might not even need inpatient rehabilitation after your surgery if you do prehab. Research shows that hip/knee surgery patients who underwent prehab were 73% less likely to need inpatient rehabilitation after their surgeries. Another study showed that prehab patients were able to return to their favorite sports more quickly after surgery. In fact, athletes who are preparing for a big game, race, or match can also benefit from prehab. By getting certain muscle groups ready to take on increased strain in their upcoming events, they can better protect themselves from injuries that might otherwise sideline them later on. All this to say, sometimes the best defense against an injury is a good offense. If you’re interested in prehab before a surgery or a big game, give Campus Commons PT a call today at 916-927-1333.


One-Pan Apple Cider Chicken

Inspired by

Bring the taste of fall into your kitchen with this sizzling skillet meal.


1 1/2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken thighs

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2 tsp Dijon mustard 4 tsp olive oil, divided

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1 tsp salt, divided

3 sweet apples, cut into 1/2-inch slices 2 tsp fresh rosemary, chopped, plus more for garnish

1/2 tsp black pepper, divided

1/2 cup apple cider

DIRECTIONS 1. Sprinkle chicken with 1/2 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside.

3. In a large skillet over medium heat, warm 2 tsp olive oil. When shimmering, add chicken thighs top-side down. Cook for 4 minutes, then flip and cook for 4 more minutes. Transfer to a plate and cover with foil. Wipe the skillet clean. 4. Heat the remaining oil in the skillet, then add sliced apples, remaining salt and pepper, and rosemary. Cook for 5 minutes. 5. Return the chicken to the skillet and add apple cider-mustard mixture. Cook for 5 minutes, then serve sprinkled with rosemary!

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