Terry Drucker

agency, servicing thousands of North Dade Jewish men, women and children on a daily basis. I have been part of a team that has fed, sheltered, consoled and clothed millions of Jews in Miami and throughout the world. I have visited Concentration Camps and walked in the footsteps of women who were not fortunate enough to have been born in Chicago, Illinois. I marched into these camps with a prayer of thankfulness that we survived and with another prayer that this will never happen again.

One experience in particular made me realize that I had to do something to ensure that my gift would continue after I was no longer here. I was a member of the National

Terry Drucker, National UJA Women’s Board March of the Living

UJA Women’s Board and participated with them on a mission to Israel, which included a pre-mission with the March of the Living. We were given an identity card with the name of a woman who perished at Auschwitz and were to walk in her footsteps. The name on my identity card was Teresa Drucker. Our work will never be done and I have received much more from my participation and investment in the Jewish community than I have ever given. That is why I created a legacy to benefit two organizations – the Greater Miami Jewish Federation by endowing my Lion of Judah gift and the Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center. These legacy gifts will ensure that

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