Susan Caller

significant pledge. My husband, Steve, refused to pay it and insisted that I earn it. Thus, began my own jewelry business known as Fourteen K. So, I was able to pay my own pledge and become a competent businesswoman. My customers knew that my profits would go to Federation, and it was a win-win. We only have 5 Lions in

Lexington, which leaves me in “awe” of Miami’s women and their success of L’dor V’dor, from generation to generation. As I attend most Federation events,

I am moved to tears by the younger generation’s shared values and determination to keep Israel safe and enduring. I sit on our Federation board in Lexington and continue to support our community while having the pleasure of participating in Miami’s vibrant Jewish community each winter. I “recharge” my batteries and try to infuse that spirit into my much smaller and less productive city. I feel blessed to have grown as a Jew and have gained far more than I have given. Endowing my Lion was VERY important to me and my two children, who were pleased by this decision, and they share my feelings for our Jewish state and their communities. Our venture as a Jewish family has been life changing, and keeps us bound closely together. To be alive during this time in history, as we have witnessed the birth and amazing Susan Caller with 2 of 7 grandchildren

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