The Experience Magazine - Fall 2017

Our Property Services staff will be painting some of the dorm interiors this winter. We are in the process of opening a new Welcome Center and Center for Biblical Counseling (located in the old weight/workout room). Having an official Welcome Center for guests, alumni and potential students is vital to our customer service and growth strategies.

now have official agreements with many other colleges, and each of those colleges are offering scholarships ranging from $1,500 to $15,000 per year for WOLBI alumni. As alumni of WOLBI, you have access to some great discounts/scholarships with partner schools. For example, Cairn University is offering 50% off their online graduate programs for alumni. Check it out here by visiting this link: . We just finished a fantastic summer of ministry. Please give us a summary of what God did in and through the lives of our staff and campers, specifically in New York and Florida. Summer is a highlight for our staff and students. For many students it is the pinnacle of their Word of Life Bible Institute experience. It pulls together all the study and training they have received and stretches them to, by faith, trust the Lord for wisdom and strength to meet the needs of campers and guests. This past summer our students served over 13,700 guests, and 1,464 trusted Christ as Savior for the first time. We are now well into the Fall semester at the word of life bible institute. Give us an overview of what God is doing on campus at our various teaching sites including enrollment, ministry opportunities and goals. To say God is at work at our many teaching sites, would be an understatement. Every day we hear stories of lives being transformed by the Word of God. I think of a recent student who shared with me, I HAVE ALWAYS CONSIDERED MYSELF A SOLID CHRISTIAN, BUT WORD OF LIFE BIBLE INSTITUTE IS TAKING ME TO DEPTHS OF STUDY, DISCIPLESHIP AND MINISTRY THAT I NEVER KNEW EXISTED. ” “ This year as a team we have a set a goal of reaching 100,000 people through our various ministries on and off campus. Just in the first 3 weeks we have ministered to over 3,800 people. Our enrollment teams are highly focused on reaching our 10-year goals of 800 in New York and 400 in Florida. It is easy to get focused on numbers; but, as we challenge students to consider Word of Life Bible Institute, it is because we are driven to see students take a year in the Word and to build a Biblical foundation. I recently read a quote by Jack Wyrtzen: MOST COLLEGES TEACH STUDENTS HOW TO MAKE A LIVING, BUT HERE AT THE WORD OF LIFE BIBLE INSTITUTE WE TEACH STUDENTS HOW TO LIVE. ” “ That statement is motivating. When we consider reaching our goals and the eternal impact of serving over 1,200 students annually, I can’t help but get excited about the impact our graduates will have on this world.

Joe Schenke has been named Director of Counseling. He has served faithfully for many years as our Dean of Students. We are so grateful for Joe’s impact and influence on our campus. The Center for Biblical Counseling is available for staff, students and our local community. The Center will not only provide Biblical Counseling but also training and resources. In the future we plan to offer a Biblical Counseling Internship. The internship will be focused on training students who desire to serve fulltime in a counseling role with a church or organization. Along with many of the physical plant updates, there have been numerous personnel transitions to meet current and future needs. I am thankful for men who have gone before me…Stu Page, Ric Garland and most recently Mark Strout. Mark has done an amazing job leading our New York campus while growing our International Teaching Sites. Our International Teaching Sites have grown so quickly that it became clear we needed Mark to be completely focused globally. Mark has been appointed Executive Dean and Professor of Global Bible Institutes. Dr. Tom Davis has been named Distinguished Professor and Associate Academic Dean. Dr. Paul Weaver has been named Academic Dean. Dr. Weaver has served as the Academic Dean and Executive Dean of the Word of Life Hungary Bible Institute. Dr. Todd Kinzer recently graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary and has been appointed Dean of Students and Assistant Professor. A few other updates: Jason Headlee is serving as Dean of Ministries; Tom Phillips is serving as Campus Pastor and Eric Messer has been appointed Executive Dean of Student and Guest Experiences. Eric is responsible for all Operations, Enrollment and Financial Aid. Brice Futch is our Marketing and Recruitment Manager. Another area of focus for me has been our agreements with other partner colleges. I am pleased to share we

an interview with roger peace 05

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