Steve Foldes

Steve Foldes Presented by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

I am a child and grandchild of Holocaust Survivors. My parents, Tibor and Clara Foldes, along with my newborn brother, survived the war in Hungary and came to the United States in 1947. My paternal grandparents also survived the war in part

thanks to the assistance of Raoul Wallenberg. Miraculously both sets of grandparents survived and came to the United States after the war. Although they never specifically talked about their experiences, my family’s history has certainly influenced both my Jewish identity and charitable giving. My father was an entrepreneur and taught me the importance of a strong work ethic. After he became terminally ill with cancer, I left the practice of law to take over a struggling shoe business and came up with the idea of glamorizing all-plastic sandals. Happily “Jellies” as they became known were a fashion hit and the company grew from 50 employees to 750 employees and Steve and Nadine Foldes

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